Chapter 12: Jams, Remastered

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(Nova POV)

When she flashed us J felt a weird feeling that I've never felt before. We stood in front of a huge black room. The size of the grand central. Maybe even bigger.

The room was so dark I had to grab Luna's hand in order for me to not trip.

"Sorry for. it has any light here" she said and in a sudden instant the light came on.

The entire room seemed so beautiful. Black columns made out of who knows what. Everything seemed so smooth and perfect. The ceiling though. The ceiling made me want to just jump in. It was so attractive I tried reaching up for it.

"WHAT IS THAT" I demanded.

"That is the Cosmos Novalis," She explained. I looked over to see that she was dressed in a long dark blue dress. Blue chrome. It shined with all the stars reflecting from the ceiling. I wasn't prepared for what she was going to ask next. I should have gotten some type of warning.

"Well I will cut this short but, How would you like to become part of the Jams?" Said Kitty.

"WHAT" I shouted.

"BOTH OF US???" I asked her excitedly.

"Yes Nova" She said smiling. Her smile seemed so motherly yet she was dressed as a teen and looked like one.

Then a tall man came out of the shadows. Taller than me. About 9 feet tall. He oddly still seemed small compared to this room.

"Ah, well what do we have here sis?" the man said vigorously.

"It's our remastered Titans," Kitty said.

"Our what now-" Luna interrupted.

"I see, I finally meet you again" he said smiling. He came over to me and patted my head. He went over to Luna and kissed her hand.

It made me jealous. Somehow he realized what I was thinking about and cleared the air.

"Relax there Novalis. It's a kind gesture if you have forgotten. My name is Leo"

"It's a very normal name for a Jam like me but I have grown into liking the name better than any of those old creepy greek names" he said.

"Now where was I?.. Oh yes! You two. Me and my sister have been deciding what to do about the empty throne. James ceases now and we have you guys. You have been the closest thing we have since Gaea gave birth to all those gods. We want to grant you our power" Leo said.

I looked over at Luna to see what she was thinking, and it seemed we were both on the same page.

"YES" we both boomed.

"Okay. Relax, the echo here is horrible" Leo said irritatedly.

"Well let's get this process started. It will take a few centuries for this to work but with your time abilities we can speed up the process. All I need to do is a few incantations and that should work fine" Kitty said.

"Pass me the Jammy Cosmos book" Kitty told Leo.

Leo summoned a book the size of a tennis field.

"WHAT THE-" Luna shouted.

"Please- Do not shout madam" Leo said kindly.

"Maybe we should add a sign here saying Do Not Shout " Leo said laughing.

I chuckled at this and continued to be surprised as they both reached a whipping 100 feet.

"How are you guys so tal-" I didn't even finish because the whole room went dark again, only a faint light coming from the book.

They started to do the incantations and I tried my best to speed up time. It was hard to do so, my powers just seemed so useless here. This big room, It felt like we were in the middle of space, where time ceases to exist.

I kept going and going, Luna beside me holding my shoulder. She had a gentle grip on me but I grabbed her by the waist and tucked her close to me. I could smell the dense forest again, her scent of beautiful auburn trees.

Somehow the wind got stronger and started to pull Luna away from me. I grabbed ahold of her and turned into my Titan form. She did the same and we both took cover as I speeded up the timeline. As Kitty and Leo chanted the incantations, beams radiating from their hands touched our cores.

As soon as it did, memories flushed into my soul. I could somehow remember who I actually was. All those dreams I had as a Titan were real. I was born mortal and became a Titan. I could see the future. I saw me and Luna holding hands and kissing. I saw myself carrying her in a white dress out of the courtroom into our bed. I saw glimpses of a small child. Curly hair. Brown eyes. Black hair. I saw the world end. I saw a new world being created. I saw Hogwarts, NYC, grand central, my apartment at Hudson Yards, I saw both timelines collapsed into one. I saw what was real and what was fake.

I wasn't even holding her hand anymore. I was flying. I could feel the power bite me away. I could feel my body exploding and feeling light. I felt like I could top the world, the universe. I became so big I could finally see Leo and Kitty at eye level. All of a sudden the entire throne room seemed smaller. I could see the ceiling better. I could see the thorns placed on top. I could see four thrones now. Four thrones placed above. I could see the letter engraved in the throne.

Leo, Kitty, Luna, Sol.

I wondered who Sol was. I looked back down and saw that I was a bit taller than Luna. The pain had stopped. The wind had stopped and Lunacies were behind me the entire time holding me down.

"Well that was quick," Kitty said sarcastically.

"Let's get this over with, I ordered a pizza and the guy is probably waiting there for a century now" Leo said sadly.

"Welcome back Luna and Sol!" Kitty said.

I looked over at Lunacies confused on who Sol was. But I had no time to explain myself.

Kitty continued,

"You will both be the new James. Luna Jam and Sol Jam. We have now four thrones. Unfortunately for you Luna you will have to have a different role in this world" she directed me.

I was lost.

"You guys are both to attend to your duties everyday. Meetings are every wednesday, dinner is at 5:39 AM and your other necessities should be granted with your powers. You control everything now. Don't abuse it. Become a true Jam and bring justice to this world. We give you a chance to change it all. Don't let the mortals ruin this world again. Earth should always prosper. This will be your first task into becoming a true Jam. Use your abilities to the best you can" She boomed.

I felt like an avenger for some reason.

"Luna, you will carry out the deaths and lives of all to peace. And you Sol will restore the destruction of Humanity. You both will tend to care about everything there is. Especially you Luna" she said, pointing at me.

"You already know what happened in the past timeline. Change this for the better sweetie" she said.

She winked and flashed us away into a world of misery.

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