Chapter 2: The Jams (AKA the Fates)

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"Hello Kitty, hello James!" Leo said. The jams had reunited again after millennia to recreate the world.

"Well what do we have here?" Kitty said excitedly. She wore a purple dress with a pink cross on the back. Her dress went up to her knees and it became shoulder less with just a strap holding onto her dress.

"Well first of all, hello family!" James boomed. He was the tallest one out of the three Jams. James Jam was the most beautiful man ever created, after Chaos of course. He wore a black suit with pinned stars all over his suit. They were in the color of silver.

"James, Kitty, Please take your seats" Leo said levitating his hands towards their directed thrones.

The throne room was like nothing imaginable. It was fantasy created into reality. With Obsidian pillars as beams and a ceiling made out of space itself. White marble covered the ground and bricks of quartz lined the outline of a massive wall. Windows were spotted that almost seemed like black holes that sucked you into other dimensions. In the front were the double doors that lead to infinity.

The ceiling was in the shape of a dome and the pillars were pyramidal in shape but upside down! You would think that the thrones were attached to the floor itself but no! They were also upside down attached to the ceiling, almost as if the whole room was meant to be a confusing illusion. This way the Jams could overlook the cosmos in the throne room.

When you flipped the image around it looked like the ceiling was the floor which it was, but most importantly the ceiling looked like a death trap. A wormhole to be exact. The floor or (now the ceiling) was just white marble.

As the Jams took their respective thrones around the cosmos they immediately grew 40 feet taller. They looked like giants, but with the size of the throne room they still seemed like three tiny godly beings.

"Sister and brother! I have brought you here to decide the fate of planet Earth!" Leo said.

"Did you destroy Leo again?" Kitty frowned.

"No, apparently they destroyed themselves, '' Leo said harshly. He was dressed in black magic robes that made his skin look unreal. His skin color was non imaginable. His face was almost transparent as if he was a ghost but the faint light from the cosmos gave the hint that he was just a rare devine species.

"Why would they do that to themselves?" James said, confused.

"Well brother, the question isn't why they did it, but How will we fix it," Leo demanded. He was a very quick worker and always wanted to get stuff done fast. Which is also why the solar system only consisted of one star and was not binary like other systems.

"Can't we just go back in time and stop it?" James said.

"No brother. Someone else would come and destroy the planet again" She said snuggly. Kitty had always had a prestigious answer to everything and would think she was the superior one in the group.

"So what do we do?" asked James.

"Simple" Leo said, he had the most mischievous look ever.

"We replace the titans!" Leo said so happily. Kitty just smacked her forehead and James was ready to kill Leo.

"Guys-?" Leo said nervously.


"Brother, please calm down" Leo was starting to get annoyed.

"We are REPLACING the Titans, some of them obviously because not all of them were bad right!" Leo said.

At this James had a billion questions buzzing in his head already.

"How would we even do that or choose who gets to be a Titan or not?" James said.

"Well that's why father had three children and not two!" Leo told James.

"OHH, VOTING!" James shouted.

"Can you please stop shouting pig," Kitty said.

"Wow, okay Ms. Prestigious" James said.

"Guys hear me out. We already have files for each god on Earth before WW3. All we need is new people and that's it. Then we can just ask Gaea to help us godly copy them back into a new world!" Leo said.

"You think Gaea would even help us?" Kitty said.

"Well she's already working on the landscape and everything. She's creating new humans as we speak. Those humans that are "chimpanzees and monkeys" Leo said.

"YOU MEAN EVOLUTION!?" James screamed.

"Yes bingo brother!"

"We just need the Titans since they were the ones who came before the Olympians. If we manage to pick better leaders and deities then we wouldn't have to worry about the Earth flooding or any world wars" Leo explained.

"We could also set new rules and they could obey us of course" Kitty said.

"Yes that too, but mostly we would create a whole different better world. We could learn from our mistakes!" Leo said greatly.

"Guys I think I'm pregnant" James said, shedding a tear.

"Stupid, us Jams can't get pregnant!-" Kitty said.

"-Even if you were pregnant, who would have fucked you?" Kitty said laughing.

"Kitty enough. Now may we please continue the process. This might take a few years..." Leo sighed.

"Sorry brother," she said defeated.

"We may continue then" Leo said, raising an eyebrow towards his brother.

He nodded and fixed his slumped posture.

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