Chapter 3 | Threats & Late Savior

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Chapter 3

"Back off" a deep voice says behind, the guys all turn and I look up to see that it's

My heart sinks into my chest, and adrenaline pumps through my body. He stands there with his arms crossed over his chest and his foot tapping as if he's waiting for something, or someone.

Two guys stand behind him as if they were his body guards, then just seem amused by the whole situation. One guy has light brown hair and the other has dirty blonde.

What is he doing here, what does he want. I don't even know him he can't tell people what to do! I told him not to mess with me I don't know what he thinks he's doing. This cocky asshole thinks he's the literal shit. I bite back my tongue to not do anything I'll regret.

"Well, well isn't it my favorite person" Chase spat at him. The tension rises between them and I find myself wondering why they're acting this way to each other. I should probably get out of here before this escalates.

Parker walks closer to where I'm sitting at the table. I can feel his presence behind me. His legs brush against my back.

"Right back at you" Parker replies with a fake smile.

"Fuck off man, what's your problem" the guy with the black hair says, that I have yet to get his name. And now probably never will, thanks to Parker interrupting.

"Your my problem Chase, now you better shut the hell up before I make you" Parker says to Chase completely avoiding the fact that chase didn't say that. And that Parkers the one who came over here. I'm getting more and more confused by the second. I'm trying to wrap my brain around what exactly is going on between Chase and Parker.

"Can I see you Ana, right now" he then says to me. His jaws clenched and he looks paranoid. His deep brown eyes staring into mine. I could stare at those eyes all day..

"No! Who do you think you are?" I shout back at him.

He then grabs my wrist and pulls me up out of my seat, he continues to pull me. I start hitting him with my free hand. Didn't know they let kidnappers into the school.

I try to shake my arm out of his grip, quickly realizing there's no point he's much more strong then me. Even with all the self defense training I've taken. I've gotten pretty strong over the last few months through self defense classes, if my trainer saw me right now barley able to put up a fight with Parker, I'd be dead meat.

I see a few people start to stare and gasp. Thanks guys nobody wants to help. I'm really feeling the love.

Parker pulls me all the way outside of the cafeteria dragging me down the hallway. My shoes skid agains the ground, I still attempt to put up a fight when..
He then pushes me up against a locker. Making my head slam up against it. Instantly my head starts to throb, that's gonna leave a mark. If he doesn't fucking stop, I swear.

He lifts his arms up and puts them above my head trapping me in between him and the locker. His body's so close to mine I feel the heat radiating off him and every time he breaths his chest brushes against mine.

"What the hell are you doing!" I yell at him finally getting the words out, getting really pissed. That's an understatement, I'm furious. This is definitely not helping my plan of going unnoticed, it's only my first day and someone wants to kill me already. Nice way to start the year.

"Stay away from Chase" he says to me his shining bright brown eyes now stormy and dark, I felt like he was staring right through me. Like with just one look he would know all my secrets, he could figure everything out about me.

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