Chapter 5 | He Wants Me To What?

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Chapter 5

I awake to feeling something jump right onto my stomach, I open my sleepy eyes and look up at my sister giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh Sarah what do you want?" I ask waiting for my eyes to adjust to the Ceiling light. I rub my eyes to wake me up.

"Will you make me blueberry pancakes?" she asks batting her long eyelashes. Why do young children always have the longest most gorgeous eyelashes? It's not fair to humanity.

"Can't you get mom to do it" I say annoyed. I'm not in the mood to make pancakes let alone wake up.

"No she's asleep" Sarah replies. I look over at my clock and see that it's 4:30 am. What the hell is Sarah even doing awake right now? I wonder why my mom's not awake I roll my eyes. So I've gotten about approximately 2 hours of sleep. Great. I'm going to need a lot of concealer.

"Fine, go get ready for school first" I say to her, and roll out of bed feeling my bare feet against the cold hardwood floors. I slowly walk over to my window and open the curtains to be graced with rain and dark skies. Great are those rumor about Oregon raining all the time true, I hope not. I'm already pale enough.

I then walk out of my room and go downstairs to the kitchen turning all the lights on. I then search for everything not knowing where anything is. Once I found it I grab the pancake mix and some blueberries and water and make the mix, once done I pour it onto the stove and make her a stack of pancakes, she runs down the stairs and pulls herself up to the barstool chair at the kitchen island, I hand her the pancakes and syrup.

I then walk back up to my room so I can get ready for school, maybe I'll be early for once.
I open my closet doors and grab a pair of highwasted black skinny jeans, a tight grey cropped long sleeve, and black combat boots.

I then grab a towel and get into the shower, I feel the warmth hit my body and I never want to get out of the shower, but unfortunately after washing my hair I get out of the shower, wrapping the towel around me then drying my hair with another towel, I then get changed into my clothes and put concealer under my eyes and put white in the corner of my eye to brighten it. Also I put some mascara on and tinted Chapstick.

I quickly blow dry my hair.

I then grab my backpack say goodbye to my now awake mom and Sarah, I walk out to my motorcycle and get on it. I turn up the music in my headphones before driving out of my driveway I begin to sing along to a song not paying attention to where I'm going, I then realize that I went the complete opposite way of the school.

Another instance of my new disease called being directionally challenged I glance at the time and it says 7:50 great I'll never make it to the school in time. The one day I try to be early. Things just don't ever want to work out for me. I quickly make a u turn heading the direction of the school. What a great way to start a Monday.

30 minutes later I arrive at the school parking like 8 miles away since I couldn't find a parking spot. By the time I make it into the school I'm already half and hour late, I make my way over to my locker about to grab my 1st and 2nd period stuff.

I turn around feeling someone's presence behind me, yet nobody's there. I have that feeling where you know someone's watching you. I quickly finish getting my stuff, hurrying to get to class.

That's when I hear footsteps behind me following my every move, I gulp. By now I'm almost running to class. I'm probably just over exaggerating the situation it's probably just someone else trying to get to class behind me.

I turn a corner and the footsteps were now running behind me, I turn my head around while still running to see whoever is behind me.

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