Chapter 7 | Night Experiences

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^ Ana's tattoos in photo above.

Chapter 7

"Wake up Wake up Wake up Wake up!!" I hear as I'm waken from my not so peaceful sleep.
The dipshit who has waken me up is someone yelling and clapping their hands together.

"Wake the fuck up!" The voice newly screams.

God what's with people wanting to wake me up all the time can't they just let me sleep for once.  I lift the blankets over my head. The intruder now banging something heavy together.

I jump out of bed faster then possible swinging my arms in front of me to protect my self from this intruder who will most likely kill me. I close my eyes so I don't have to see the person who will murder me. Great this is the end please tell my mom and sister good bye and tell Parker I hate him and And...

"Chill, chill Ana it's me" I open my eyes slowly to see Emma standing in front of me. What the hell?

"Maybe you could have told me a bit earlier! I was about to karate chop you in half!" I snarl.

"Hell, where'd you live before you moved to this town the worst neighborhood in America?" She questioned raising a eyebrow. I glance at my clock and it says 11:30 pm. Damn I never fall asleep early, I must have taken one too many sleeping pills.

"No, but that's not the point! What are you doing here?!" I ask looking down realizing I'm wearing the same thing I wore to school today.

"The party is this Friday we need to go shopping!" Emma screeches.

"In the middle of the night? Can't we go tomorrow after school, the malls not even open" I reply.

"No no and no there's no time we have to go tonight the malls open all night because they are having this really good sale or something they do once a year come on would you look at that your already dressed but you might want to uh brush your hair" she says blabbering, I sigh realizing there's no way for me to get out of this.

I walk over to my bathroom and brush my hair then teeth, since I don't want to have bad breath. I walk back over to my closet and pull out my converse and put them on, I pull a big comfy sweater over top of my T-shirt and leggings not really caring what I look like I also grab my wallet off my counter.

"Let's go!" I say to her whose laying on my bed. I walk over to my window and open it. Emma comes over to me.

"Wait how'd you even get in" I ask once I realize the window wasn't open.

"Your mom let me in she was just about to go to bed" she says.

"She was a bit hesitant but I convinced her that I hadn't finished a big project and needed your help real quick"

"Oohhh" I say and push my feet out over the window still and push off over the ledge with my hands. I land right onto my feet.

Emma then jumps out after me and lands right on her butt. I try to contain my laughing so I don't wake anybody up. She grumbles and huffs before flicking me off.

"Shut up" she says while rolling her eyes at me.

I follow her over to her car, and my mouth drops when I notice what she's driving. She has a Audi convertible. What the hell she never mention the fact that she's rich, Is everyone here rich? I get into the passenger side door and sit down, she walks around the car and opens the door sitting down.

She begins driving off and I turn the heat up for my seat because god it's cold outside. Gotta try to warm my cold heart.

We arrive at a large mall with cars everywhere, the mall is more crazy then lazy people on the night before Christmas.

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