To the Kalos!

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After the Grand Festival, our hero is now resting as they decide what they want to do.

Rogue POV:

It was the next day as the Grand Festival was now over. I'm still happy for Dawn as she's been working harder than I've ever seen her. Catching some Pokémon that I never thought that she would catch.

Though at the same time, I'm also happy for Ursula. Don't get me wrong, I don't like some of her methods of some things. But I'm gonna say that she's also been working hard as well, so I respect her for that.

I'm currently in a hotel room as thankfully the room was big enough for my Pokémon to sleep outside of their ball. I see that Glaceon and Lapras are sleeping together. Venusaur is sleeping near the window where the sun is, Ninetales is with him, and Garchomp and Dragonite are close to each other as well.

I carefully get out of bed as I quietly walked to the bathroom to shower. I accidentally forgot to do it last night as I was really tired to do anything. Once I was done with the bathroom, I see that all of my Pokémon are now awake.

I gave them their Pokémon food as I was eating my food. I'm still in my thoughts about Kanto or going back there. I don't know if they're there or not, but yet I wouldn't be surprised if they aren't there.

I felt something on my lap I see that it was Glaceon. I pet his head as he smiles at the touch. Ninetales came as she knocked Glaceon off so she can get petted.

"Gla!" Glaceon jumped on Ninetales as the two of them started to wrestle. "Okay stop it you two!" They stop but turn their head.

'I think I should make the call.'

"I'm going out for a bit so behave. Dragonite, you're in charge." I get as Dragonite made a salute gesture.

I walk out as I make my way downstairs where the Pokémon Center is. I greeted Nurse Joy and her Chansey as I went to the phone station.

Looking at the phone I couldn't find myself reaching out for the phone. I haven't contacted any of them since I started my journey. I just thought they might know how I'm doing because of the contests being on tv.

The screen lit up and I was shocked to see who answer the phone. A familiar appearance to Cynthia as her eyes widen. "Rogue!"


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"M-Mama." I couldn't say anything. Mama isn't the one to pick up the phone. More so on something that isn't related to work.

"Young man! Do you have any idea how many times I was worried about you!" Mama yells, "One day I hear that you're going solo!? Now you're a top coordinator!"

"I... I thought that all of you guys are busy. So, I didn't want to intrude." I scratch my head as I couldn't lie to Mama.

"Rogue, you're never gonna be a problem. If you tell me that you need me, I'll immediately go there." Mama was calmer as she was also upset.

Adventure into the Unknown: Pokémon x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now