The Reunion!

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Question: If you can travel to any region, what region would it be?

No One POV:

Silence filled the air as everything, and everyone was quiet. Ash and his friends were able to free Garchomp from the control of Team Rocket. But now Ash and Gary are in the face of someone they never thought to see.

"Wait who's that guy?" Bonnie looks at Clemont as he was adjusting his glasses. "I don't know, but from the looks of it. It seems that they know each other."

"Professor?" Professor Sycamore shook his head. "I think I heard them said, Rogue."

Gary and Ash's eyes started to water as Pikachu jumped Rogue. "Pika!" He caught him as Pikachu was happy, "Hey Pikachu."

"You're here..." Gary was frozen as Ash ran and quickly hugs Rogue. Both males stumble as Rogue was frozen by the hug.

Both stayed silent as Rogue slowly hug back. Gary was still frozen as his hands were shaking a little. "Why are you standing there?"

Gary looks up to see Rogue looking at him. He opens his hands as Gary slowly walks to them. All of them were now in a hug as everyone was silent.

"How...When..." Gary couldn't find the words to say. "I got here just today," he didn't need to know what the question was as it was obvious to him.

The three of them broke off as Professor Sycamore came to them as he looks at Rogue. "Thank you for your help. I'm-"

"You're Professor Sycamore." Rogue turns his attention toward him. "I've done my research as I was trying to find you."

"I see." Professor Sycamore coughs. "Well, all of you guys are free to stay the night at my place as I can assume that you don't have a place to stay the night."

"That'll be appreciated." Rogue nodded as everyone else agrees to it. Gary looks down as he sees Glaceon glaring at him.

"Is that..." Rogue sees Glaceon glaring at Gary. "Yeah, it's Eevee. He evolved when I was in Sinnoh."

"You've been to Sinnoh? But..." Ash was lost as he was in Sinnoh.

"It's best that we talk about this later. Or, when we're in a more...private place." Rogue looks around to see some people looking at them weirdly.

~Time Skip~

They were at Professor Sycamore's place as Rogue was caught off by the damage. "Thankfully the rooms aren't damaged so you guys can be comfortable sleeping here." Professor Sycamore scratches the back of his head.

All of them went inside as Rogue looks around. He notices a machine as it reminds him of the one that's in the Pokémon Center.

"Professor Sycamore, does this machine heals Pokémon?" Professor Sycamore looks at the machine, "Yes, does one of your Pokémon need some healing?"

Rogue nodded as he takes out his Poke ball. "Alright, Garchomp. Come on out," blue light came as it was Rogue's Garchomp.

"Is that the Garchomp that Mega Evolve?" Professor Sycamore look at Rogue as he nodded. "Wait was that why it looked so different?" Ash remembers Garchomp as he notices the different appearance that it had.

Rogue walks toward his Garchomp as he pulls out his necklace. "Once I was done traveling the Unova region, I went back to Sinnoh as I found a Garchompite. When I found that Garchomp can Mega Evolve we train more as it takes a lot out of him."

Ash and Gary look lost as they both were in Unova but have never seen Rogue. Professor Sycamore was intrigued by it. "Fascinating, another research for me to discover."

Adventure into the Unknown: Pokémon x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now