A Battle of Aerial Mobility!

450 13 7

Question: Cupcake or Cake Pop?

No One POV:

In Lumiose City, Ash, and his friends have found a new and an old friend. Their long friend Rogue returns to them as he now travels with him. As for the new friend, Ash has caught a Froakie, his first Kalos region Pokémon at Professor Sycamore's research lab.

"Come on!" Bonnie was running with Glaceon and Pikachu running behind her. "Hurry it up you, guys! You two can register for the Kalos League over this way!"

"Yeah, we know Bonnie!" Ash smiles as Rogue shakes his head. "There's no need to rush the Pokémon Center will still be there," Clemont stated.

"I don't know how she has so much energy." Gary turns to Rogue, "It's like another version of Ashy Boy."

"Hey! When are you gonna stop calling me that!?" Ash turns as he was angry. "I'm still shocked that you still call him by that," Rogue commented.

"Anyway, thanks for helping us, Clemont." Clemont shakes his head. "Please thank nothing of it Rogue. I confess I'm a little in awe of you."

"In awe?" Rogue was confused as Clemont looks up. "I know some of Mega Evaluation and see how you not only obtain Mega Evolution and were willing to do anything you could to help Ash and that Garchomp back there. Just watching it gave me courage."

If Rogue could blush, his face would be red as he scratches the back of his head. "It's not that big of a deal."

"It was. Seeing how quick-minded you were to help Garchomp without injuring it was amazing." Clemont explains as Rogue just nodded, "Hmmm."

Clemon looks up as he was staring at the tower, "I'll just have to do better."

Rogue heard Clemont as he raised an eyebrow, "Hmm?" Clemont realizes what he did as he shook his head, "Sorry just talking to myself."

Rogue nodded as he looks at Ash and Gary. "Okay, can you guys not fight? We still need to register." Ash and Gary stop as they blush before scratching their head.

They made it to the Pokémon Center and Bonnie was in awe of it. Ash, Gary, and Rogue were the same as this was their first time being at a Kalos region Pokémon Center. They look forward to seeing Nurse Joy there.

Much like in the other region, Nurse Joy has brink pink hair and fair skin. However, this Nurse Joy wears a pink and white dress with a white collar and the same tights and shoes as the ones in Unova.

"Good morning." Nurse Joy bows as Rogue cringes a bit. "Good morning to you, Nurse Joy," Ash greeted as Bonnie notices Rogue's expression.

"Hey, what's wrong?" The others turn as they notice Rogue's cringe expression. "You still don't like that huh?" Gary sighs as Rogue nods.

"What's wrong?" Clemont frowns a little. "It's something that Rogue doesn't like. When Nurse Joy bows towards us he cringes as he doesn't like when people do that." Gary explains.

"It just doesn't feel right. Like I know that it might be their job, but at the same time, it makes me think that I'm one of those spoiled rich kids and the people who bow are my servants. So, I just want them to greet me in a way that makes them comfortable," Rogue added.

Nurse Joy smiles brightly at Rogue's explanation. "Wow, I haven't met anyone like that!" She giggles before explaining things. "At this Pokémon Center helping Pokémon in need is our number one goal. We're here for Trainers and Pokémon alike."

"We were hoping that you could help us register for the Kalos League," Ash explained as Rogue nodded. "I sure can. If you, please touch this panel with your Pokédex."

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