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The guy in the black looked at taehyung who is currently doing something on his phone and also looking at the boy

The boy was about to go inside the class but taehyung stopped him

"Hey I'm kim taehyung" he said the turned looked at him and but the boy just went inside the class and  no one ever just went like that before

Taehyung is mad cause he ignored him


@/ taeutiful
He just ignored me?! Ughhhhhhhh

Taehyung@/ taeutifulHe just ignored me?! Ughhhhhhhh

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Taehyung quickly asked for permission so that he can go inside and get the information of who is the boy but luck doesn't seems to his side so the teacher didn't allow him

- at lunch -

"So??how did everything went yesterday? What about that unknown number guy?" Jimin asked while eating his food while taehyung is busy looking at the two buys who's both wearing black clothes

"Hey jimin who are they?" Taehyung asked looking at the them jimin looked back

"Oh they are the new students they transferred today only and one of them went to our old school I don't know him tho I guess they are friends who knows" jimin said

Taehyung nodded "what is his name? The one with black mask?! He looks so good man!" Taehyung said

Jimin smirked "I don't know" jimin lied

"I know that you know jimin! C'mon tell me pleaseee!" Taehyung asked

"No" jimin said getting up and going to buy some drink

"This asshole I swear to god" taehyung rolled his eyes and went to the two boys

"Hey you! Black mask why did you ignore me? In the morning? You didn't even told me your name!" Taehyung asked

".. let's go?" The other boy with hoodie who his head is covered with it said and the boy with black mask nodded his head

And went away

"What the fuckkkk" taehyung whined

- evening -

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