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Taehyung is sitting in his place with visible eyebags

As he didn't sleep at all after that to this 'jk' guy

Taehyung was keep thinking how good his voice was it was so soft but always very low so sexy

Can just a voice make your tummy weird? Yes it does as it did to taehyung too



@/ taeutiful
Do not ask me why I'm looking like this

Taehyung@/ taeutifulDo not ask me why I'm looking like this

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"TAEHYUNG" jimin yelled as he sat beside him taehyung looked at him with no intrest

"What the fuck is that how you treat your bestie?!" He asked and taehyung just rolled his eyes

"I should I ask it! Bitch you only went out with yoongi like!!" Taehyung asked as jimin just giggle and stuck his tongue out

"Sorry my baby so tell me what happened??" Jimin asked excited

"Okay so.."

Taehyung has explained whatever happened

"Damn so that woo-young is San boyfriend huh? Like and I wanna see this jungkook guy why is he covering his face tho? Don't you think we heard jungkook name before too?" Jimin asked

"Hmm I don't remember it chimchim" taehyung said

"Whatever leave it and show me that jk guy phone bitch!" Jimin said and taehyung showed him the pic that the person sent

Jimin gasped covering his mouth "oh my god the tattoos!???"

"I know right!! Like fuck even his voice is so good!" Taehyung said

"Wait wait you talked to him?" Jimin asked

"Yes! Yesterday I did omg he helped me in homework on call" he said "shit bitch ughh just bang with this jk man" jimin said jokingly

Taehyung rolled his eyes

"Oh c'mon that's how I met my baby cat and now he is my whole world" jimin said

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