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Taehyung glupped when he called the person again

And just in ten seconds he lift the call

"Should we start?"

He asked and taehyung nodded dumbly

"You there?"


Taehyung said

"Alright then what home work you have ?"

"Uhm.. maths.."

"Uh-huh.. okay send me the chapter and the problems"


Taehyung said took the pics of the chapter and the problems then sent it to him

The person hummed

"Okay so this is indeed hard chapter
Why didn't you do it when the class was over?" He asked

"I took.. a.. nap.." taehyung said with a red face cause he was embarrassed

Jungkook chuckled

For some reason taehyung face was fully red and this time not cause of embarrassment

Something about the man Chuckle made him felt butterflies

The Chuckle was so soft and gentle

Taehyung was never heard a chuckle that soft

"That's cute anyway then let's start the problems" jungkook said

" Okay.." taehyung said

- after 1hr-

"Okay that's all, all the problems are completed " he said

And taehyung sighed

" Thank God you helped me or else I would be dead in that professor hands" taehyung said

And he is no longer shy or embarrassed

Jungkook laughed

"Hey.. by the way?"


" what should I call you."

"Hmmm you can call me iron.ma-"

"Not the iron man!!"

"Haha okay okay you can call me jk or if you want you can call me hyung"

"Jk? Why jk is your name jk? And hyung? So you are really old huh???" Taehyung asked

"Yes I'm okay with you calling me jk and no I'm one year younger than you" he said

"Oh?? Then why do you want me to call me hyung? YOU have a hyung kink?? How do you know my age?! So you are 19?????" Taehyung asked all confused

" Ufff too many questions I'm sleepy will call you tomorrow"

He said and cut the call

Leaving taehyung in a confusion

"Ahhh I'm so so so interested him omg"


-to be continued-


Shhuhhhh I'll make the next part long I promise! 😘


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