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Previous part: "Why can't I just move on from you...!"

"Why are you doin this to me?!"


Taehyung kept groaning and sighing as he is annoyed by everything

"I literally told you I don't want it why can't you just leave me alone?!" Taehyung asked to the boy who is infront of him

"B-but.. but.. I love you.. I'll take good care of you.. please accept me.." he said crying

Taehyung rolled his eyes looking around they are in the lockers room

The boy just popped out of nowhere when taehyung was taking his books

"This is almost 8th ain't you tired? Even if you are now I am please leave me alone!" Taehyung said now he is more annoyed as the boy kept of crying as if taehyung did something to him

"W-w-why you won't love me...?." The boy asked grabbing his hands very tightly

Taehyung tried to take his hands away

"Why I don't love you?! Why the fuck do I even need to love you! Go look yourself in the mirror bitch leave my fucking hands I swear to god!" Taehyung again tried to remove his hands but no use the boy is stronger than him

"Oh... I see.." the boy laughed Makin taehyung confused and without letting taehyung think of anything the boy slammed taehyung to the locker pressing his body against taehyung's

"L-leave me!! Help!!!" Taehyung shouted pushing away the boy but the boy pinned of the his hands and pressed his lips forcefully against taehyung

Taehyung like he could die he is crying he doesn't like this

It's happening to him all again everytime it is like this

Before taehyung was about to bite the boys lips


Taehyung opened his eyes as the boy is no longer near him but he was on the floor

He looked at the other boy

"J-jungkook..?.." taehyung asked with his shakey voice

Jungkook looked behind "yes it's me" he said and turned to the boy again

He walked to the boy picked him up by the coller and whispered in his ear

"You dare to touch him again and I'll kill you"

With that jungkook left his coller the boy quickly stood up and ran away

Jungkook looked at taehyung

"Are you ok-"

"Yes I'm okay" taehyung smiled

"Why are you smiling?" Jungkook asked

"Huh?" Taehyung looked confused

"Do you like this? Why are you smiling?!" Jungkook asked a bit harsh taehyung flinched

"W-what do you mean..?.."

"No wonder these people force you.. how can you be like this? You can't even protect yourself? And also acting like nothing happened ain't you ashamed of yourself?" Jungkook asked

"Oh.. thanks for this help I will remember this..." Taehyung bowed and went out of the locker

He doesn't know what he is why jungkook looked angry he doesn't want to be around anyone right now so he left not arguing anything


@/ taeutiful
Idk.. am I the wrong one?

💬 65 ↝203 ♡1.22k


- to be continued -


First off all thanks for waiting!

I'm feeling okay now I'll try to update like I used to do now

Sorry for the short chapters but just letting you know again this ff is like this only some chapters will be long and some will be short

I hope y'all are understanding

Have a good day


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