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"Don't you dare to talk to my man do you understand!!"


"Excuse you? Who is your man?! Like who the fuck you are?" Taehyung asked

"You slut took photos of my bf and posted it on your Twitter how dare you! Are you that crazy for some dick?! Why don't you just go to club you'll find so many their" the person said

Taehyung looked at the boy angrily "what the fuck is your problem?! You are talking all these just cause I took photos of your bf and posted it on my tweet? You should have told me more nicely cause you can't FREAKING go and talk to people like this" taehyung said

The boy rolled his eyes "alright I'm sorry I was just so mad that you took the photos I'm really sorry" the boy said even tho he rolled his eyes first

Taehyung also rolled his eyes "I'm also sorry" taehyung said

They both looked at eachother and giggled "I'm jung woo-young" he said "I'm kim taehyung" taehyung said

"Nice to meet you and I'm very sorry I was really very frustrated and mad cause just like you there were so many people who wanted to steal my boyfriend and I'm very insecure about it that's why I did that in that way maybe be scared and what so ever cause I tried to talk out nicely to people but it didn't work" he said

And taehyung nodded listening to the boy talk "I can understand and it's okay since he is your boyfriend I'm not that crazy to steal someones boyfriend" taehyung said

"You go to the same uni?" He asked woo-young nodded his head "I'm one year junior so I had to talk to you after the uni" he said

"Ohh so friends?" Taehyung asked smiling "yes!" Woo-young take his hand out from his pocket and gave it to taehyung and taehyung took his hand and shake it

They both smiled "baby?" Someone came from behind them

Woo-young Turned around and ran to the boy and hugged him "I missed youuu" he said the other boy hugged him back as he removed his mask and kissed woo-young forehead

"Did you miss me that much hm?" The boy asked "San ofc i did!" Woo-young said "I can't see it you need to show it to me baby" San said winking his eyes

"Get a room" another boy came from behind them "jungkook!" Woo-young rolled his eyes moving away from the hug

Taehyung looked at jungkook and waved his hand smiling

And what taehyung noticed it that the boy is still covering his face the hoodie is cover his eyes and head while his mask covering his nose and mouth

Taehyung wondered if the boy has some kind of allergy or something

Jungkook did looked at taehyung but didn't wave back

"Baby this is taehyung" woo-young said San looked at taehyung "hello taehyung I'm San" he said and taehyung rolled his eyes "oh my god now you are saying hi?! You literally walked past my face" taehyung said

San laughed "well you see if I did talked to you then i would have be dead cause of my boyfriend" he said and woo-young slapped his chest

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