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Please ignore mistakes

Previous part: Unknown:
Hey ya taehyung this is San


Can we talk taehyung?
7:20 PM

Hey! Yes we can what happened
7:25 PM

- taehyung changed 'unknow' to 'san' -

So it's about jungkook
7:25 PM

Oh? What about him?
7:26 PM

I'm sorry from him for what he did
7:26 PM

Hey hey! No need of sorry why even sorry?? He helped me
7:27 PM

Yes but he is no one to judge you for yu our emotions he knows that too but he was just worried about you that's why he did like that can you please forgive him?
7:27 PM

Yes.  It's okay people do think I'm weird for being like this I already forgave him afterall he helped me
7:27 PM

Thanks I'll say it to him he is really panicking
7:30 PM

Panicking? Oh no.. Idk the reason
But I'm sorry
7:30 PM

Sorry? Why are you sorry it's okay he is always like this he is a little
over sensitive
7:32 PM

Oh then okay
7:32 PM

Yes well then talk to you later
7:34 PM

Okay bye bye
7:35 PM

Uhm hey hey!
7:40 PM

7:43 PM

Uhm can I have him number? I
wanna say sorry for being to him
7:43 PM

Uhmm you sure?
7:43 PM

7:44 PM

Okay then here **********
7:55 PM

7:56 PM

Np ☺️
7:56 PM


@/ taeutiful
I now have Jeon jungkook's number gays ;)

Taehyung@/ taeutifulI now have Jeon jungkook's number gays ;)

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💬 79 ↝700 ♡1.27k



@/ wah.jin mentioned @/ shiballcat 
Wow yoongi you look funny 😂

@/ shiballcat replying to @/ taeutiful
What the fuck taehyung?! Why did you post it??

@/ ihavejam mentioned @/ shiballcat
You are looking cute but tf you are doin and smirking like that

@/ sunisshinning replying to @/ ihavejam
He was tickling my feet when I was asleep

@/ taeutiful replying to @/ shiballcat
Sorry no sorry ;)


Taehyung giggled as he reads the comments

And now he decided to take a quick bath

Once it was done he dressed up and layed on the bed

He stared at the ceiling he wanted to cry but no tears are coming from his eyes

"Why can't I just cry.. why is crying also so hard .." taehyung talked to himself as he hugged the pillow

He suddenly remembered what jungkook said and did

For some reason jungkook was right

It's been years taehyung stopped showing his sad self even to himself

He wants to cry he wants so bad but since he was stopping it for years he really can't

That was the reason he smiled even after what happened to him

It was not new to him these things always happens to him

At that time taehyung really felt helpless his energy all left him

He was not confident that if he can hit the boy or not he is really thankful that jungkook helped him but also mad cause he was not even taehyung friend to tell him like that

But he knows jungkook who is

He didn't forgot jungkook he still remembered that shinning eyes

"How can I.. ignore the fact that I know you.. it's hard to pretend that I don't know you.."

"I want to say sorry to you jungkook.. but...."

Taehyung bit his lips

"Fuck this...! Why do you again have to come.."

Taehyung groaned


Hey jungkook?
9:32 PM

-to be Continued-


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