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Please ignore mistakes

Previous part: Idk.. am I the wrong one?


Nonetheless of what happened earlier taehyung still went to the class

And for his bad luck jimin didn't came to the uni Today

And right now

Taehyung silently sat beside jungkook the whole time and for taehyung it is very awkward for him

Finally two classes are over and now they have a little break

Taehyung sighed "hey tae~" someone came to taehyung bench

Taehyung smile "woo-sik!! You went to trip for toooo long man seriously for 10 days?" Taehyung rolled his eyes

Woo-sik laughed "c'mon I went to family trip it was honestly boring but I missed you" he said hugging taehyung head

"Yahh!! Your stomach!" Taehyung giggled the boy laughed too

"And you know I brought you som-"
Taehyung and the boy flinched as jungkook slammed a book on the bench

They both looked at him confused but jungkook was not even looking at them

"Anyway so ta-"

"Taehyung next class is math I think you should revise the problems sir gave yesterday I'm just saying as the sir told me to make sure you study I don't want bad name on me" jungkook said with a straight face

Taehyung pouted "it's okay we'll go home together okay?? I'll hang out with ya today byee bye!" He said as he ruffled his hair and left to his class as he was not the same class as taehyung

Taehyung took out the books

"You really are close to everyone huh?" He asked taehyung looked at jungkook "no not really I only talk to the people I kno-"

"Yeah yeah can see that" jungkook cut him off

Taehyung was hurting so bad inside but he didn't say anything he just opened his books and stared at the books

"How can you be all smiley after what happened in the morning? Was it mean nothing to you? Is it not your first kiss? Why are you so happy? Shouldn't you be sa-"

"Why do you want?" Taehyung came straight to the point

Jungkook was silent

"See just cause I'm not crying doesn't mean I'm happy and why did you even came? I know how to fight for myself I was just a bit blank at that time I was about to kick him but you came but I'm very thankful that you came but please stop talking about this" taehyung said

And jungkook nodded his head

"I'm going to rest room" taehyung said and went away

And once he came back he wasn't even looking at Jungkook anymore

And after the classes was over

Taehyung and woo-sik walked to together

Jungkook ran to them "t-taehyung can I tal-"

"I'm sorry but jungkook I'm sorry I'm busy right now" taehyung bowed and took woo-sik hand and left leaving jungkook there

Jungkook bit his lips as he ran to his house

He knocked on the door continuously as his legs are shaking

But no one was opening the door

"What is h-hyung doing..oh right I didn't came with him" jungkook forgot to come home with San and ran away taehyung

So he opened the door with the keys and went inside

He sat on the couch as he keep biting his nails waiting for San to come home

After 15 mins San finally came back home

"Jungkook are you ho-" San walked to the hall and saw jungkook crying tapping his legs on the floor continuously

San understood something was going on so he quickly say beside jungkook and holded jungkook hand

"Hey hey jungkook hey I'm here look" San said and jungkook looked at him

"H-hyung.. hyung.. I.. I.. I.." jungkook hiccupped "shhh shh what happened tell me calm down"

"I fucked up.. I fucked up hyung... I shouldn't have done.. it.."

"Tell me what did you do..??"

Jungkook told San what happened

"Oh my jungkook it's okay you can say sorry to him tomorrow okay? Calm down now"

"N-no he.. he.. he doesn't want to talk to me.. he'll ignore me.. I know.. like he did.. I know... I know I KNOW!!" jungkook suddenly yelled and yanked his hands away from San and was about to slam his hand on the tea table

But sab was quick to stop jungkook

"Jungkook look at me it's okay everything will be okay hm? You trust hyung right?" He asked and jungkook slowly nodded his head

"That's right now you go sleep for something okay?" He said and jungkook layed on the couch and layed his head on sab lap

"H-hyung I didn't mean to hurt him.. why.. why is he not mad.. not sad.. why.. someone did it to him.. h-he shouldn't be like that.. wh... What if something happens to him.. what.. what.. if.. if.. if someone-" just like that crying jungkook fell asleep talkin'

San sighed

"I have to do something..."


-message from unknown-

Hey ya taehyung this is San

-to be continued-


Thoughs about this ch??


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