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In the end, the two fell asleep on each other still keeping close contact.

Jisung then woke up because he had to use the bathroom. He got up and tried his very best not to wake Minho.

He then went into the bathroom shutting it slowly and doing is business.

He came back pretty quick and layed down beside Minho once again and hugged the other.

Jisung looked at Minho for a second and found Minho's attractive features. His eyes, sharp nose that could probably cut paper, lips.

Lips, the word kept replaying in his mind while he stared at Minho.

Minho could feel sudden tension and began to slightly open his eyes realising that Jisung was admiring him. He didnt want to scare Jisung so he shut his eyes hoping he could fall back asleep.

His gaze was soft. Still looking at the olders face, he could imagine alot of things that would or could happen between them.

He shook it off thinking about how stupid he was to make a friendship turn into a relationship. He dreamt of it. He hoped he could forget about Niki, but that name still replays in his mind.

Soon after, Minho woke up and they both ate together laughing and talking about random stuff.

They enjoyed time with each other.

Jisung finally realised that Minho does his best to cheer him up. Whenever he is feeling down, Minho would try to make Jisung feel like hes someone again. Minho cared alot about Jisung. Ever since day 1. He never left Jisung's side no matter what. When Jisung talks about Niki saying he recalls things they have done together, Minho gets upset. Minho thinks he never gave enough of himself for Jisung to forget his ex. He thinks that Jisung might think of his ex more than Minho who actually cares about him. His ex even once cheated on Jisung, Niki thought Jisung was too annoying and clingy. But Minho understands Jisung. Jisung couldnt see it in him. (i cried while writing this part sorry)

Jisung suddenly stopped laughing. Thinking about all the things Minho had done for him.

"Ji? Are you okay? Whats wrong?" Minho stood up from his seat and placed a hand on Jisungs shoulder.

Jisung zoned out but still heard what he said.

"Y-yeah im, im fine." Jisung kept thinking of it.

"W-well. You know, its getting pretty late.." He said looking at the time.

"So your just gonna chase me out?" Minho looked at Jisung confused.

"N-no im sorry, I didnt mean to-"

"Its fine princess. I'll go home now, i'll give you some time to rest."

"T-thank you." Jisung hesitated for a second but he had to do it.

He stepped a little bit forward giving Minho a hug. He kept the hug long and not awkward.

Minho got a little caught of guard but returned the hug. He slightly caressed the youngers back slowly.

"Thank you, for really being there for me. I-i really dont deserve a best friend like you."

Minho looked at Jisung. His gaze got more intense.

'best friend?' Minho thought in his head.

'Just, a best friend?'

"Y-yeah no problem. Well i have to go now, i have to do some stuff at home." Minho just ran out his house wiping parts of his tears. (usually minho isnt the one that cries but jisung rlly did him like that so..)

"Wait! Min!-" Jisung looked out of his house. Minho was running while wiping his face.

'i didnt mean to do that..gosh ji why are you so stupid.' Jisung was upset with himself.

Jisung wanted to text him, but he knew Minho wasnt in the mood for anything.

So, he just fell asleep.

While Minho at home, crying. In bed.

'Ji, would you ever notice?' he thought.

cried for minho.

i feel so bad even though im the one writing this..

sorry min😔

thank u yall (btw)

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