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Jisung woke up feeling like he wants to pass tf out.

He turns to the side to turn his alarm off and goes back to sleep.


Jisungs mom shouted from the outside of his room to wake him up.

"GOSH" Jisung jumped up from his bed. "MOM WHAT WAS THAT"

He opened his door and peaked out.



He sighed and made his bed, lazily walking to the bathroom when he bumps into someone random..

"What the fu- WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?"  Jisung was scared he looked the 'person' up and down.

"Hi sung why so scared?"


Turns out it was Jisungs older sister, the siblings have not seen each other after she moved out.

"I missed you so much" Jisung stopped and hugged his sister.

"I miss you too kid" Jaiya hugged him back and smiled. "You've grown so much.."

"Hows your girlfriend?" Jisung asked (Jaiya is bi)

"i love her so much" She smiled.

"Oh yeah btw, mom told me everything...im sorry for your lost." Jaiya patted his head.

"Oh, yeah its fine im better now." He smiled

"And, she told me you have a little someone thats good for you" she smirked. "Mi? Min?"

"Minho." he said and laughed.

"Hes been the best to me" Jisung smiled.

"Ohh i see my bros falling inlovee?"


"Why dont you like him?" Jaiya seemed confused.

"Well hes been mad that i dont notice him much but honestly, hes very kind." he explained

"Oh! why dont you bring him to the wedding? Since that Niki bitch has someone?" Jaiya asked.

(no hate to niki im sorry)

"Oh. Oh? Thats a great idea." Jisung thought for awhile.

"Shit! Your gonna be late! Go fucking shower" Jaiya laughed as she pushed him inside the bathroom.

"See you kid!"

"See you!!" he shouted from inside the bathroom.


new person in the storyy
(made a random name)

jaiya obvi will always support her younger bro

love jaiya yall<3

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