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"Get the fuck away from him." Minho pushed the dude away.

Minho was more stronger than the man. (he worked out obvi😻)

"M-min thank god!" Jisung was scared.

"Who are you? And how do you know this pretty boy?" The man asked.

"Hes my best-"

"Im his boyfriend." Minho interrupted Jisung.

Jisungs eyes went wide.

"Oh? Well your taste is horrible." He looked at Jisung.

Minho stared at him. Dead in the eyes.

"S-shut the fuck up." Jisung was scared but stood up for Minho.

Minho was shocked but proud.

"What did you say?" The man grabbed Jisungs left hand.

"I said. Shut the fuck up." Jisung slapped him with his right hand.


"Now assfuck you better move out of the way now or i'll beat the living shit out of you. Choose." Minho was pissed.

"Hah, You think your tough-"

Minho grabbed his wrist and twisted it. It made a triggering crack sound.

Minhos hand was kinda sore from twisting the dudes hand since he had a blister.

"Oh shit." Jisung mumbled.

"Ugh! Fine! You'll regret some time!" the man ran.

"Never in my fucking life,the fuck.." Jisung was speechless.

"Im sorry i left you alone baby."

"Its okay, thank you so much." Jisung smiled and hugged him.

Minho smiled back returning the hug.

"As long as your okay." Minho said and sighed.

"Are you hurt?" Jisung asked.

"Im suppose to be asking that for you but, my hand is kinda sore." Minho shrugged.

"Does it hurt? Do you need a doctor? Or i could-" Jisung spat.

But he got interrupted by a peck on his lips.

Minho leaned in and placed a soft peck on Jisungs lips.

All Jisung did was gasp.

"Is that all the things you picked?" Minho pointed at the clothes that were in Jisungs hands.

"Yeah.." Jisung smiled and flushed red as Minho rubbed his cheeks.

Minho grabbed the clothes and paid.

"Thank you hyung."


"So were..still dating- like- in a fake way right?" Minho asked.

"Well, i guess so.." Jisung smiled.

They decided to eat somewhere since both of the boys were starving.

"Where do you wanna eat princess?" Minho asked.

"Hm, im not sure. Ramen?" Jisung suggested.

"Ramen sounds good." Minho nodded.

They headed towards the ramen restaurant and found a place to sit.

"You can count this as a date princess." Minho randomly said.


"I agreed to go out with you because i wanted this to be our first date."

(They still arent dating...)

"O-oh well, i really enjoyed today." Jisung gummy smiled.

"Awh, did my princess really enjoy?"

Jisung nodded shyly.

"What do you want from the menu?" Minho asked.

"I'll have whatever your having." Jisung nodded.


"Im paying this time-" Jisung said.

"Nope, im not letting you do that." Minho shook his head as he raised his eyebrows.

"Why hyunggg" Jisung whined.

"Because your my princess."

"Aw man." He whined again.

"Oh, what did you buy anyway?" Jisung was curious.

"Well, im not telling you. Its for someone i love the most." Minho smiled.

Jisungs smile faded.

'He likes someone?' Jisung thought.

"Is she pretty?" Jisung asked.

"No silly, its a boy."


Minho knew Jisung was upset, but he didnt want to say it just yet.

"Is he pretty then?"

Minho found Jisungs dumbness cute.

"Hes so pretty, the prettiest person ive ever met." Minho smiled.

"Oh cool." Jisung smiled back but it faded again.

'its you silly' Minho giggled in his mind.

They both ate their good meal and talked about random shit.





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