From Sorcerers Point of View

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From Sorcerer's Point of View

Warnings- mentions of sleep paralysis

Info- [Name]'s 'Jujutsu' is spider web and it captures curse spirits
I completely made that up lol
Also Mizuki-Senpai is a random person I made up. Just if you were wondering!

Anyways enjoy!

Itadori walked home alone that night. Like he always does. Expect he felt more alone then ever. Mother gone. Grandfather gone. Except he never met his mom, at least, he has no memory of meeting her. There's not even a grave for his mother that he could visit. There is a little shrine in their small house that his grandfather had set up a long time ago, before he had gotten sick. At least there will be a grave for his grandfather. He hoped.
And his father, hell, there's not even a picture of his father. He doesn't even know his father's own name.

A day later, something very odd had happened to Yuji.
He had met a boy named Megumi Fushiguro at his school. And a man child by the name of Gojo Satoru. He had fought some very weird things called 'curses' in his school and he swallowed a finger belonging to this 'King of Curses'. Now he's a Vessel for Ryomen Sukuna.

"So, I need to eat all of his fingers, and then I get executed? Or if I say no to that, I get executed either way?" Yuji, who was currently tied to a chair, asked the blindfold man in front of him.

"Yep." The man said. "Itadori, right?" The white haired man had asked the pink haired boy. Yuji nodded. "By any chance, are you related to [Name] Itadori?" Yuji was shook to hear his mother's name come out of this 'Jujutsu Sorcerer's mouth.

"Yeah..." Yuji began, "That's--she's my mother."
Even though Yuji couldn't see it, Gojo's icey-blue eyes widened behind his mask.

"No way." Gojo scoffed. "She had a son." He whispered to himself. "You're the son of the famous [Name] Itadori, huh. You do look like her a bit." He said, mumbling the last part.

"Famous?" Yuji asked.

"Well, in the sorcerer world, anyways." Gojo said, adjusting himself on the chair he sat in, across from Yuji's. "Everyone knew who she was by the end of the day. She ran away with a curse spirit--" Gojo stopped mid sentence. "Wait, how much do you know of your mother?"

"Not alot." Yuji, sadly, muttered. "My grandpa was supposed to tell me about her, but he died that night. He only told me about her sleep paralysis." Yuji explained. "Wait, how do you know my mom?"
Gojo gave a small smile, as memories slowly flooded his mind.

"I was one of her friends in highschool." He, softly, replied.  "I can tell you her story if you want." Yuji's eyes widened with excitement. "From one of her best friends point of view." He said, trying to be cocky. "So where did you grandpa leave off at? Sleep paralysis?" Gojo asked, Yuji.

"She had this weird dream about a guy with tattoos." Yuji, quickly, replied. Gojo chuckled.

"Yeah, those dreams weren't 'Sleep Paralysis'. That was actually a curse spirit, but she didn't want to admit to it. Your mother was a stubborn girl." Gojo said, chuckling at the memory.

"Itadori-chan, are you okay? You seem sad." Shoko Ieiri had asked [Name]. [Name] looked up from the food she was picking at.

"Me- oh, yeah. I'm fine." She mumbled, picking up a fry and eating it.

"Are you sure?" Shoko asked.
[Name] scoffed.

"I'm fine, Shoko." She reassured the girl next to her, while taking a sip from her soda.

"Are you sureee?" Satoru Gojo had asked, getting in her face to take a good look at her. The raven haired boy next to him only chuckled.

"Gojo, it isn't nice to get in people's face like that while they are eating." Said Nanami Kento. Gojo's icey blue eyes, looked into her own [e/c] eyes.

"Say," Gojo began. "Have you've been getting any sleep?"

"Don't tell me it's that weird dream, Mizuki-Senpai told told me that you were having." Shoko said, pointing a fry at the girl. [Name] rolled her [e/c] eyes. "You're being paranoid, Itadori-Chan." Geto nodded in agreement. Gojo, finally got out of her face, and went back to eating his burger.

"It's most likely a curse spirit messing with you." Suguru Geto said. [Name] sighed rested her head on the table, with Nanami quickly moving her tray of food so she can do so. "How long have you been having these dreams, Itadori-Chan?" [Name] picked up her head from the table and thought for a second.

"Three or four days. Why?" The girl responded, looking over to Geto, who was sitting next to the white haired boy. Geto shurgged.

"I was curious." He said, as Gojo laughed at his best friend's response. The [h/c] haired girl rolled her eyes once more, before taking a bite out of her burger.

"You guys are no help." She mumbled, chewing aggressively on her burger.

As the loud group of teenager walked back to the train station together, [Name] walked slowly behind them, looking up into the dark skies. It looked like it was going to pour.

"Hey guys--I think we should probably..." [Name] looked back down to see that, the group was no longer in front of her. "Guys?" She asked, looking around. Noone was around. What..? Did they just leave me? She thought, as she just stood in her spot. "Gojo? Geto?" She called out, looking around. "Nanami? Shoko?"

She couldn't find them. She looked all over. In fact, she couldn't find anyone. There's noone around. Weird for the fact that she was in Tokyo.

Suddenly, a big guy of wind picked up. Leaves from the trees flew in circles around her, along with flowers and other things in mother nature.

"A tornado?" She exclaimed, clutching her shoulder bag. "No...a cursed spirit!" She yelled over the sounds of the wind gushing around her. Whispers and words, [Name] couldn't understand, surrounded. [Name] watched as the mini tornado started to form red and black streaks.
[Name] took a deep breath in, and then let it out. She let go of the straps on her bag, and interlocked her fingers together.

"Spider Web Jujutsu!" She yelled, pushing her interlocked fingers out, so her palms can face away from her. The whispering got louder and the gus of wind got more aggressive. "Curse Technic, Spider-" Before she could finish, everything went pitch black.

Words- 1100
After watching the final aot episode, I can't watch JJK. I'm too depressed. But I have seen them Sukuna edits and GODDAMN that man is so fine.

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