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A/n- It's 2:02 A.M rn and me and my friend are on a call writing fan fics lmao


"So, wait, she just passed out in the middle of Toyko?" Yuji asked, very concerned. Gojo nodded.

"Yeah, one moment we were all laughing and the next thing we knew, she was laying on the ground. We probably wouldn't even have noticed if the people around didn't  gasped so loudly." Gojo replied, fixing his blindfold.

The group of kids stood around [Name] as she tossed and turned. Well, more like Gojo and Shoko stood around her.

"Let her sleep." Said Nanami, who was walking past the younger Itadori's dorm room.

"She probably hasn't gotten sleep in days." Geto said, walking up to Gojo and Shoko. "Based on the bags under her eyes. It's best if we leave her alone." He suggested. Shoko and Gojo whined like little kids in response.

"But we want to be here when she wakes up!" Shoko said, sitting down on [Name]'s surprisingly comfortable bed. She faced Geto and Gojo. "She just passed out in the middle of Tokyo! Doesn't that concern you, Suguru?"

"Of course. Satoru and I took turns carrying her. Doesn't that say something?" Geto said, smiling. Shoko rolled her brown eyes. Boys. She thought. They don't take anything seriously.

[Name]'s [e/c] eyes slowly fluttered open, adjusting to the lights.

"Ugh" [Name] mumbled, pressing her hand to her stomach. Shoko's brown eyes went wide as she turned around to face, the now sitting up [Name]. "My stomach hurts." She said, moving to sit comfortably. [Name] could feel the stares of Gojo and Shoko, along with the stares of the passing by students. "What?" [Name] asked, looking at the three friends who were at the foot of her bed."Why are you guys looking at me weirdly? And how did I get here?"

"You just passed out in the middle of Tokyo for God's sake, Itadori!" Shoko exclaimed, crawling closer to [Name]. "Gojo and Geto took turns carrying you!" [Name] furred her eyebrows together in confusion.

"Why did I do that?" She asked, looking at her three friends.

"I don't know, you tell me!" Shoko, who was very hyper at this moment, exclaimed, looking at [Name]. Geto just shook his head.

"Calm down, Shoko, the girl had just woken up." He said, in a calm voice. Gojo on the other hand, said nothing at all. Instead he just fixed the black round glasses he wore.

"I know, but don't you think we could use a little explanation on why she just passed out like that?" Shoko pointed at [Name]. Not annoyed at [Name], just the situation.

"I had another weird dream." [Name] muttered. Shoko, Geto, and even Gojo looked at her with a concern look. "But this time, I didn't see the that man. I heard voices though, but I couldn't understand it." The girl began to talk about her dream, her stomach burning with every breath she takes. "I went to go use my curse technique--but, but everything went black." She looked down at her skirt she was in. "And here am I." She whispered. "It was really weird."

"Are you feeling okay? Is there anything that is bothering you?" Geto asked. "Like burning or any pain?" [Name] gave him a confused look.

"Y-Yeah..?" [Name] said, almost unsure.

"It could be a sign a curse had marked you." He, blankly, responded. [Name]'s heart dropped and her [e/c]'s went wide. No. No. He's joking. But it's Geto, not Gojo. I'm not 'marked' by a curse. I'm not.

"N-no. Actually, I lied." [Name], Nervously, studdered out. "I feel fine--refreshed actually. I haven't slept like that for a few days...actually." [Name] had an habit of saying 'Actually' a lot when she was scared or nervous. Geto shurgged.

"She probably just pasted out 'cause she was tired. And her stomach probablyhurts from the food we ate, too." Gojo, who finally spoke up, said. "No need to get her so worked up over nothing, Suguru." Gojo looked over to Geto. [Name] seemed like she was over it. The burning sensation in her stomach didn't stop, nor did it at least go down a little.

"Cam you guys please leave my dorm now?" She tried to politely ask. "Thanks for checking up on me and stuff, but I would really like to be alone now."

"Aw Itadori-Chan doesn't want our company anymore." Gojo teased. [Name] rolled her eyes. She got up from her spot on the bed, her stomach burning with each step she takes. She acted calm and collected, pretending like it didn't bother her. She walked over towards the door, and pointed outside into the hallways.

"Out." Geto chuckled, as he started out the door first, followed by Gojo and Shoko.

"Hey," Shoko said, stopping in front of [Name] and putting her hand on her shoulder. "If you need any help or someone to talk to, I'm here. And I'm sure Nanami will be there too." Shoko sighed and looked over to Gojo and Geto, who were goofing off in the hallway. "I'm not too sure about those two." She chuckled. [Name] gave a small smile.

"Thanks." She watched as Shoko gave her a reassuring smile before leaving her dorm room. [Name] shut the door, before walking over to her full size mirror. She lifed up her shirt to reaval her stomach. [E/c]'s widened as some sort of mark appeared on her stomach.
"W--What--?" She asked, in horror as she watched as the mark appeared more visible. Am--am I being marked? She mentally asked herself.

She was too stunned to speak. To scared to even say anything. The burning feeling in her stomach was her basically being branded by some cursed spirit. I--I need to tell someone! But, but who knows what they're going to do to me! I could be taking into custody--or, or worst. I could be executed.

Jujutsu Study. Chapter 1, page 23, Marking. If that person has/or had a relationship with any sort of cursed spirit, they would be taken into custody to be judge. Depending on how bad that relationship is, like being marked by that curse, that person will be executed.

She suddenly remembered from class.

She bit her pink lip in frustration, anger, and fear. It looked like a tramp stamp on her stomach. She wanted to cry from how much it burned, but she didn't have any tears to cry. It hurt to cry. It hurt to walk. It hurt to breath.

"I need to--lay down." She said, in between breaths. She slowly moved toward her bed, getting into it, and slowly laying down. She took deep breaths. The burning pain slowly going away.

"Wait--what? She was branded?" Yuji asked, still very concerned.

"Yeah." Gojo said checking his watch. "We didn't find out until later though." Gojo sighed. "Well, I gotta get you over to Jujutsu High now." He said, getting up, and started to untie Yuji. Yuji groaned. "I'll tell you more about your mom later, kid." Gojo chuckled. Yuji sighed once more.



The keyboard is burnt onto my phone's screen because I've been writing on wattpad for five hours.

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