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[Name] sat on the bed she originally woke up on, thinking. It felt like I haven't taking a shower in a hundred years. It felt nice.
Her hair was wet, and the water from her shower was still left on her skin. She was butting up the rest of her school uniform, when suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

[Name]'s head snapped admittedly at the sound.

She slowly got up and walked towards the door. Hesitant to open it. After all, I am being kidnapped.

"Don't worry dear. It's just me." A, kind of, familiar voice said, behind the door. [Name]'s shoulders dropped, and she opened the door revealing the same elder woman she was talking to, forty-five minutes ago. "I made your outfit for tonight's dinner, dear." She said, holding up a red dress. "Something suitable for master's liking and your own comfort."

[Name] took the dress into her hand. It reminded her of her school uniform. Just, different colors. It had white sleeves and a red base.

"It's two pieces. Move aside, I will help you put in on." The lady said, practically pushing [Name] aside to get into the room. "Shut the door. Unless you want the others to see you." [Name] quickly shut the door, while clutching the dress to her stomach. "Now, the white goes on first. Red goes over the white. Take off your uniform."

[Name] gave her a 'are you crazy' type of look.

"Don't worry dear. It's just me."

[Name] walked down the stairs to the dinning room, with her dress fully put on, and her hair done in pretty curls. She fidgeting with the hem of her dress as she opened the door leading into the dinning room.

As she walked in, she  got looks from the maids that were in the dinning. Many of them setting the food onto the table. Smells good. I wonder what's for dinner.

"Uh--where do I sit?" [Name] asked, pointing at the chairs around the table. But the maids said nothing and continued to work. Okay..? She walked to the end of the table and grabbed the chair.

"That's master's seat." One said, snickering a little. [Name] let go of the chair and walked down to the other end of the table.

"That's also Master's seat." Another said.

"Well, where can I sit then..?" [Name] asked.

"I told you, she's clueless." The girl [Name] recognized, Shibuki, said walking into the dinning room with a bottle of wine.

Suddenly the grandfather clock sitting in the conner of the room chimed, and the dinning room door opened. Not a word was spoken, but everyone in kneeled down except [Name].

In came the pink haired, tattooed face man, who wore a white kimono. When his eyes met with [Name], for a spilt second his mask dropped, but it went unnoticed by the maids. He made eye contact with the confused girl, his eyes scanning her up and down.

"Red's master's 'favorite' color. Even though he doesn't use the term 'favorite'. So when he sees you in it, he'll go feral. On the inside of course. Master doesn't show much emotion. In fact, I dont think he even has emotions to begin with."

[Name] remembered what the lady had said.

Sukuna then sat in his seat, and once he did, one maid got up from her kneeling position and walked over to the table.
[Name] took this chance to sit down at the other end of the table.

"Tonight's dinner is," The maid then lifted the top that was ontop of the food. "Spicy Miso Ramen with Kimichi and Dumplings on the side."
That's what smelt so good. [Name] thought looking at the food. Then, another maid walked up and picked up a plate that also had a lid over it. She placed it down in front of [Name], while the first maid placed the one she had in front of Sukuna.

"Please. Enjoy." They said in unison, while bowing in sync. [Name] gave a small smile in thanks, but the maids payed no mind. They returned to their original spot on the ground, kneeling.

Sukuna picked up his chopsticks and began to eat his ramen. [Name] took that as a que to start eating herself.

A different maid stood up now, and walked over to where the wine was placed on the table. She then walked over to Sukuna and began to pour it. Once finished, she walked over and began to pour [Name] some wine.

"Uh--sorry, but I don't drink wine." [Name] said, holding up her hands. "I'm sixteen, I'm not allowed to have it." The maid gave [Name] a dirty look, as she stopped pouring the wine.

"It's fine." Sukuna said, causing both the maid and [Name] to look up. In fact, all of the maids looked up. "She can have it." Sukuna was the only one who wasn't looking up. Instead he was picking around in his noodles.

"But, I'm--" Sukuna looked up from his bowl, starring intensely at the girl. She put her head down, and the maid continued to pour the wine.
[Name] continued to eat her ramen. But she couldn't help but to grow parched after awhile. After all, it was mostly spicy food.

So she had no choice but to pick up the wine. She held it up to her lips, hesitant to drink it at first. What if there's something in here? Like poison or something? But she quickly had to brush that thought away. She closed her eyes and let fate have her back.

The red wine tasted bitter. A taste [Name] did not enjoy very much, but it did help get rid of the spicy taste out of her mouth.

The rest of dinner was quiet, but everyone and then, Sukuna would look up at [Name] for just a split second. Practically admiring her for a second.

Dinner ended as soon as Sukuna stood up from the table and left the room. No words. Just left. And that's when the maids were aloud to finally stand after God knows how long they've been it that kneeling position.

"Shibuki! I hate doing that! My knees are always hurting afterwards!" A familiar voice cried out.

"Oh shut it, Suma." Shibuki said, cleaning up the plate that was left behind by Sukuna. Then giggling was heard over by the corner of the room.

"Look at her. She's all red!" A unfamiliar voice had spoken. Then came another giggle.

"Ssshh Yuki! She'll hear you!" A familiar voice said. Saori looked over at [Name], who was still sitting at the dinning room table. She tried her best to cover her face with her hands, knowing, that it was her with the red face.

Drinking alcohol makes my face red. She thought, feeling the warmth on her cheeks with her hands.

"Here." Someone said, pushing a bottle of water in the girl's face. "Take this." [Name] looked up to see another maid. This time she had auburn hair, and a beauty mark right next to her mouth. "Trust me." She said with a smile.

"Uh--thank you." [Name] said, taking the water bottle from the girl.

"Mhm. And, ignore those girls. Saori, Shibuki, and Suma. Their the head maid daughters. You know, Miss Takuya." [Name] tilted her head. "She makes clothes and is Master top person. Real old kind of." [Name] then released who this girl was talking about.


"Yeah. She may seem nice at first, but once you get to know her, she's an evil witch. Quiet literally too. She's been around for hundreds of years." She said. [Name]'s eyes widened as she took a sip from her water bottle.

"Wow, that's...a lot of years.." [Name] muttered.

"I know. Oh, I'm Nana by the way." She said extending her hand out to [Name]. "I'll be your, personal guide to this hellhole, I, along with the other maids, have to call home." [Name] chuckled at the girl, Nana, before shaking her hand.

Words: 1340


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