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"Did she ever find the book?"

"Of course she found it. It's your mother. When she was determined to do sometjing, she did it." Gojo chuckled, messing with his blindfold. Yuji could only roll his eyes, thinking, why pretend to leave me with a cliffhanger.

"Where did she find the book, Gojo-Sensei?" Yuji asked. Gojo leaned back in his expensive chair.

"Well, she ended up finding this book behind the front desk, I believe. But they didn't give it to her. They told her it was a 'Historical Book' and that students weren't allowed to use it."

"I thought you said she got it? Like did she get to use it?" Yuji asked, his brain on a reset from his sensei confusing him. 'Does this man not know how to tell stories right?' Yuji thought.

"Yeah she got it. Like I said, she was a very determined person."

[Name] sighed, resting her head in her arms. There's no way they destroyed all of these stupid, old, ass, Jujutsu History books. Not unless there was some secret to it that they didn't want anyone to find out about. Not unless...

[Name]'s eyes started to slowly close.

I don't remeber why I needed that book so bad. Hm.

Soon enough, the girl was in deep sleep.

The girl's [e/c] eyes started to flutter open. She yawned and rubbed her sleepy eyes. Where am I? She thought, sitting up straight. The library? [Name] pushed the chair back and got up. It was dimly lit. It felt...different. She pushed the chair back into the table, before turning around. Her face scrunched up into a confused look.

"Books? Where are the books?" She questioned, walking to the empty shelves. The lights flickered. It was now that she realized that the room seemed like a yellow-ish brown color. Is this even the library? Where am I?  [Name] looked through the hole of the empty shelves and into a black void. "What the hell?" She murmured. There was no light what so ever in that area. She turned around, deciding that it probably wouldn't be a great idea to go there.

She sighed, rubbing her tired eyes once more. She walked over to the front desk, it's wood looked old and it had bugs crawling along it. "Ew" She said, watching the critters crawling in and out of the old wood's holes. Behind the desk was a tall door, which said 'exit'. [Name] walked over, behind the desk, towards the door. On the desk, it had a typewriter. Haven't seen one of these in awhile. My father used to have one, but now we don't use them anymore. She thought, messing with it. She pressed down on the A but a G appeared on the paper.


She typed an 'A' again, only for it to type an 'E' on the old paper. Her eyebrows furred together in confusion. She pressed 'A' once more, just to get an 'T'.

"Get?" She read. She began pressing random letters. Maybe it's a sign. She thought. The typewriter dinged, and then the buttons went stiff. [Name] looked at the paper.

"Get Out?" It read. Sudden the flickering lights went out and the sounds of the shelves knocking into each other filled the room. [Name] practically screamed when she felt something grab her foot and pull her down. She kick and kick, but it kept pulling her into a dark hole.


Someone called out from the void.


[Name] could instantly tell who's that voice belonged to.

"M-Mom?" She whimpered, tears filling her eyes.

"[Name], check the safe." Her mother said, appearing in front of the falling girl. Holding onto her cheeks, she then shouted. "Behind the desk, there's a safe. The code is 7342. Get what you need! Hurry!"

[Name] shot up from her seat. The chair banging against the floor as it feel. Her breathing was heavy and uneven.
"Just a dream." She whispered, sighing. The girl tucked a piece of her [h/c] hair behind her ears and picked the chair back up.
"God, that was a bad dream." She looked out the window, noticing how dark it got while she was asleep. "What time even is it--"

Her eyes widened at the time on the clock.

12:32 A.M

"Holy shit." She said. "How long have I been here?" The girl grabbed her bag, and started to the exit.

Behind the desk. She thought, stopping in her tracks. [Name] slowly turned her head to the front desk. She walked around it, and--

"What--how is this even possible?" She questioned. And behind the desk--more like under the desk, hidden, was a black safe. "Mom, how did you know?" [Name] went to go walk in, but the little gate was locked, so she just climbed over it.
She kneeled down and eyed the safe. What was the code again?

Words- 837

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Just a quick chapter lol

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