Tower of Skulls

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Chapter 4: Tower of Skulls



Yuji was now settled into his new 'dorm' room, the one right next to Megumi Fushiguro's. Which, Megumi was not very excited about. He blames the 'Blindfolded Idoit'.

"Oh Itadori!" Gojo sang, walking toward Yuji. "You're amazing, handsome, Gojo-Sensei is back! And I brought treats! All types of mochi." Yuji knew that the mochi was all for Gojo, and that Gojo was too selfish to share. "Anyways," he started, "Are you ready to hear more about your mother?" Yuji's head pearked up in excitement. For some reason, it felt like he was learning the secrets of life. Well, he was learning the 'secrets' of his mother's life, anyways.

"Okay, so where did we leave off at?" Gojo asked, putting a finger on his chin. "Oh, yeah, I remember..."


[Name] woke up as soon as she fell asleep. Except, she wasn't in her room. She sat in a red puddle.

"Where am I?" She asked, looking around. The walls were a dark red color and there was at least four or five tourches on each wallHer eyes widened as she realized. "A domain expansion." She muttered. She slowly stood up from the, oddly colored, puddle. In front of her was a tower that was completely made of skulls. A shadow figure sat ontop of the very tall skull tower.

"Good," He began, "so the human girl has finally awoken."
[Name] had a confused expression on her face.

"Who are you?" She asked, stepping forward a bit. "And why did you bring me here?"

"That's no way to talk to your king." He snapped. The girl took a step back in fear. "In fact, you should be kneeling in front of me." [Name] felt the wetness of the puddle on her kneecaps. She looked down confused, only to be face with the ground. King? [Name] asked herself. He doesn't look like one. But he sure has an ego like one. "There. Better." He said, leaning back in his thrown of skulls. "Now, now, what should I do with you?" He asked himself, while chuckling.

"There must be a reason you brought me here." [Name] spoke up, lifting her head. "Actually--how did I even get here in the first place?--What even is this place!" She exclaimed, getting up from her knees. Was she was scared--yeah, she was, but she was also confused. Very confused. The man, who sat ontop of the skull tower, seemed oddly familiar to her.

"I'm sorry- but who are you?" [Name] questioned. The man's eye twitched at the ridiculous question.

"Excuse me?" He looked down at the [H/c] girl. "You're telling me, you are a Jujutsu sorcerers, and don't know who I am?" [Name] shook her head, slowly, scared about whatever is going to happen in the next few seconds. "I am a King! I have been a sorcerers worst nightmare for hundreds of years. I AM THE KING OF CURSES HIMSELF!" He said, yelling the last sentence. Each word got more aggressive then the other. [Name] visibly shook. "What type of sorcerer DOESN'T KNOW WHO I AM." It wasn't a question. [Name] bit the skin of her red-ish colored lips.

"I-I'm sorry, I just don't pay attention in class sometimes." She shurgged, folding her arms to her chest. Wait a minute, she began to think, while squinting her eyes up at the man, those--those tattoos, they're almost--no. It's him. The man who's been in my dreams. [Name]'s eyes widened, as she took a step back, trying to get as far away from this--cursed spirit, as possible.

"Figure something out yet, human?" He asked, while chuckling. [Name] looked up at him, with realization filling her [e/c] eyes.


"I've what? Come on, spit it out. I don't have all day." He said, growing frustrated. He rested his head onto his fist, while looking down to [Name].

"You're the man. The one from all those weird dreams I've been having!"

"Right on the target, darling."

"But--why?" [Name] had to ask. She just had to. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"Because I need you. I need you for something I can't really discuss with you right now." He replied, leaning foward. [Name] raised an eyebrow in confusion. "And don't you go telling your little friends about this encounter, either. Just know, I will take you, soon enough. Whenever I need you, you will be right in front of me. You are mine now." The man sat back in his thrown. "After all-- I have marked you." [Name]'s eyes widened. No. No! Lier!

"But--but I don't wanna be your--your slave!" She exclaimed, taking a step back. "And I'm not marked by you, you're lying!" The man just smirked at her scared self.

"Then explain that tattoo on your stomach, dear. Don't tell me you're a rebellious teenager and got a tattoo."
[Name] shook her head. It's just a bad dream. It's just a bad dream. She kept repeating in her head. "Think it's a bad dream all you want. But you'll see next time--" Just as he was about to send her to the real word he said this:

"And remember, I'm always watching."

And just like that, [Name] woke up in her own bed.


Have yall seen Sukuna is that new trailer- OMG he can run me over and i would Say thank you

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