Ryomen Sukuna

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Listen, I know I haven't posted in awhile and I'm sorry lol. But please enjoy this chapter!

What was the code? 3472?
She turned the padlock to that number. Nope. 4732? Once again no. 7342?

"Yes." [Name] muttered, opening the safe door. "Thank you, mom." Inside the safe was some money, a gun, some other shit and--"yesss" She pulled out an old, dusty, red, book. It looked really, really fucking old. She quickly shoved it in her passenger bag, and got up, climbed back over the gate, and walked towards the exit of the library.

"Chapter 26, page 183." [Name] turned the pages, until she finally got to the page. She sat at her dorm desk, with the lap open and blinds closed, ignoring the fact that she stole a historical item. The girl expected to read 'Cursed Marks on Humans' but instead 'Ryomen Sukuna' in bold letters. What? Her eyes moved to the left and right, reading the small print on the page.

"King of Curses." She read, eyes going wide. Strongest curse. Noone has ever been marked by this curse. Fuckkk. [Name] thought as she touched the mark on her stomach. "FUCK." She yelled, slamming her fist onto the open book. She angrily got up from her seat, and started to pace around her dorm room. She backed herself onto the wall next to her bed, and sliding down it. "I'm going to die." She muttered, tears filling her eyes. "What does he even need me for? Anyone else. It could have been anyone else. Yet it's me. Why?" [Name] then place her head in her arms.

The next day, the group of friends were hanging out in one of the empty classroom of the school. Gojo and Geto betting on stupid things, Shoko and [Name] watching for free entertainment.

"I bet you, Suguru, that you can't..." At this point, Geto was winning all the bets and Gojo was running out of ideas. "Shove eighteen marshmallows in your mouth."

"Wow, that's very specific, Satoru." Geto said, Gojo rolling his eyes.

"Well-" The sounds of their phone cut Gojo off from going on his rant. The group took out their phones, confused on why they all went off at the same time. Apparently, there was a mass text sent to everyone in the school.

[Name]'s eyes widened as she read the text. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. She through, reading through the text.

"What the hell." Shoko muttered, making [Name]'s heart drop. "What did you boys do, now." She asked, referring to Gojo and Geto. The two boys looked up from their flipphones with a confused expression on their faces.

"It wasn't us." Geto said, rereading the text message.

"But, whoever did that had some real balls." Gojo muttered, shutting his flipphone. "I mean, stealing a historical artifact. Whoever did that is a real manic."
[Name] practically turned pale. Shoko noticed this.

"Itadori-chan, are you okay? You're getting pale." Shoko asked, concerned for her friend.

"U-uh yeah, I'm fine actually." [Name] stuttered, as she quickly packed her things up. "I just remembered, I have that thing today, and I really can't be late." Shoko raised her eyebrow and made eye contact with the two boys. Totally not buying it.

"[Name]. What did you do?" Shoko crossed her arms and looked at the now pale girl. [Name] could only give a fake chuckle and started to slowly walk backwards to the door.

"N-Nothing. Actually." She muttered the last part. Shoko narrowed her brown eyes towards the girl. Gojo and Geto just stared, confused. "I need to go, do a thing. I'll see you guys later." And like that, [Name] quickly left the room, leaving the two boys and a suspicious Shoko.

When the girl left the room, the phones of the teenagers had dinged once more, but this time it was a video clip.
Watching the video, Shoko sighed.

"What did you do, [Name]."

Walking back to her dorm, [Name]'s felt sick. Sick to her stomach. Oh god. She thought clutching onto her stomach. Not this again. God, not this again! The girl had now stopped walking and leaned over, clutching her stomach in pain.

Her stomach starts to calm down maybe a minute later, but when she opened her [e/c] eyes and looked up, she wasn't where she originally was. Instead a much scarier place. Her eyes widened and heart began to beat faster.

"Well." The familiar voice had said. "I've decided what use you're going to be for me." He rested his head onto his hand.

"And now's the right time for you to bring me here." [Name] muttered under her breath, anger boiling in her body.

"What was that, little brat?" The man said, through gritted teeth, now sitting up straight. [Name] took a step back out of fear. She watched as the man stood up from his thrown and disappeared within a blink of an eye.

"What--" [Name] was confused. Where did he go? Suddenly, [Name] felt a hand grip onto her hair and roughly pulling it. She let out a yelp, and squeezed her eyes as she felt herself falling back.

"Listen here." His voice filled her ears, as she opened her eyes and realized that she didn't hit the ground. "You're going to be my slave. You do as I say, with no complaints. My personal servant. Do you understand." His grip on her hair didn't losen. Infact it got tighter, causing her to get a headache. She quickly tried to nod her head, her face inches away from his tattooed one.  "Don't you forget, I marked you." He let go of her hair, causing [Name] to fall back onto the ground. "I'll give you three days. Three days to get your shit together."

Words: 967

Guy imma be completely honest, I haven't watched jjk in like 2 months

What the fuck is going on

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