Chapter 1

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A gust of wind whipped through the Scottish Highlands, sending a shiver down my spine. The rolling hills stretched out before me, their greenery marred only by the occasional rocky outcrop. This was my home, my sanctuary. I was Sara McLeod, born and raised among these wild, untamed lands. My people, the McLeods, had lived here for generations, our lives filled with tradition and loyalty as wild wolves we roamed the vast expanse of the Scottish Highlands.

"Ye best be careful today, Sara," my father warned, his gruff voice barely audible over the howling wind. "There's talk of a city wolf."

"City wolf?" I furrowed my brow, puzzled. I'd heard tales of tamed packs from the city, but never thought I'd encounter one in my own territory.

"Keep yer wits about ye, lass," he continued, concern etched on his rugged face. "They've no respect for our traditions, nor the ways of the wild ones."

I nodded solemnly, the weight of my father's words settling heavily on my shoulders. As much as I loved the life we led simple, honest, and deeply connected to the land and its creatures, there was a part of me that longed to know more about the world beyond these misty peaks. Was it possible that even the city wolves had secrets to share?

"Stay close to Lachlan," my mother added gently, her warm eyes filled with love and worry. "We dinnae want any trouble."

"Of course, Mum," I promised, giving her a reassuring smile. But deep down, the curiosity burned within me like a fire refusing to be quelled.

As the sun dipped behind the rugged mountains, casting eerie shadows over the valley, I set off alongside my brother Lachlan. Our tight-knit community depended on each other for survival, and this was no exception. But as the twilight enveloped us, I couldn't help but notice the strange tension that hung in the air.

"Have ye ever seen a city wolf before?" I whispered to Lachlan, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"Only once," he replied quietly. "They're different from our wolves, Sara. Slick and cunning, with eyes like ice."

A shudder passed through me at his words. This was a world I had never known, one that seemed both thrilling and terrifying all at once.

"Remember what Da said," Lachlan cautioned, sensing my thoughts. "We must protect our traditions, and our land."

"I know," I murmured, torn between loyalty to my family and the irresistible pull of the unknown.

As we continued our trek through the misty highlands, my heart pounded with every step. I knew that, in encountering this city wolf, my life would change forever. But whether that change would bring fear or wonder, only time would tell.

Each morning, I awoke to the first light spilling over the Scottish Mountains, their peaks still dusted with snow even as spring approached. My daily routines kept me grounded in the traditions that had been passed down through generations of McLeods: hunting, gathering, roaming, loyalty, respect and tending to the needs of my family.

"Ye're up early, Sara," Da called out softly from the kitchen as I laced up my boots, preparing for another day in the wilderness.

"Someone has to bring home the dinner," I replied with a grin, my breath visible in the chilly air. As I stepped outside, the wind biting at my cheeks, I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of our isolated world a landscape untamed and unforgiving, yet somehow comforting in its familiarity.

"Watch yourself out there," Da said, his voice tinged with concern. "Stay away from the city wolf."

"Of course, Da," I assured him, although the thought of the city wolf never strayed far from my mind.

Hours later, as I trudged through the damp underbrush, bow in hand, I felt a sudden shift in the atmosphere. A rustle in the nearby bushes caught my attention, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. The silence that followed was eerie and unnerving. I knew in my bones that something was different and then I saw it.

A sleek, black-furred creature emerged from the shadows, its piercing blue eyes locked onto mine. The city wolf. Its confident, almost arrogant demeanor sent shivers down my spine. It was nothing like the wild wolves I had grown up with; this creature belonged to a world I could scarcely imagine.

"Who are ye?" I whispered, my voice barely audible as I stared into those icy eyes. The wolf shifted into its human form.

"Does it matter?" the wolf's replied his voice smooth and chilling. "I am a part of the world you have yet to explore."

"Stay away from my family," I warned, gripping my bow tightly.

"Ah, loyalty such a precious thing among your kind," the wolf mused, its gaze unrelenting. "But what if there is more to life than these wild highlands? What if the world beyond holds secrets you can only dream of?"

"I belong here," I insisted, although doubt crept into my mind like tendrils of mist in the twilight.

"Perhaps," the city wolf agreed, its voice a haunting whisper. "But perhaps not for much longer."

As it turned and vanished into the shadows, a mixture of fear and curiosity swelled within me. The unknown world that the city wolf represented was both enticing and terrifying, but one thing was certain: my life would never be the same again.

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