Chapter 3

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In the days that followed my encounter with the city wolf, I couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted within me. The words of the enigmatic creature echoed in my mind, both haunting and enticing me. My heart ached for the unknown world beyond our highland home.

"Ye seem distracted, lass," my mother remarked one evening as we sat by the fire. Her brow furrowed with concern. "Is everything all right?"

"Och, aye, I'm fine," I assured her, though my thoughts were far away.

"Have ye been out to see the wild wolves again?" she asked cautiously, her eyes searching mine.

"Perhaps," I admitted, hesitating. "But there was... another."

"Another?" my father interjected sharply from behind us. "What do ye mean, Sara?"

I swallowed hard, knowing the truth would cause unrest among our close-knit community. But the secret weighed heavily upon me. "A... city wolf," I whispered, barely audible above the crackling fire.

"City wolf?!" my father roared, his face turning red with anger. "Do ye not know the danger they pose to our people? They are cunning creatures who care only for power!"

"Please, da, it wasna like that," I implored. "He was... different."

"Ye shouldna have gone near it, lass," my mother scolded gently, her voice trembling with worry. "We must protect our traditions, our way of life."

"City wolves be damned!" my father spat, storming out of the room.

The news of my encounter spread through our village like wildfire, igniting a sense of fear and unease. Whispers followed me through the streets, and wary glances were cast in my direction. I felt the weight of their judgment and concern, but deep inside, I knew the city wolf had awakened a longing I could no longer ignore.

"Ye must stay away from them, Sara," my cousin Ewan advised. "They bring only trouble."

"Is it wrong to be curious, Ewan?" I asked softly, gazing into the distance. "To want to know what lies beyond our highland home?"

"Curiosity can lead to danger," he warned, his eyes filled with concern. "Remember who ye are, and what yer duty is to our people."

"Och, I do, Ewan," I said, my voice strained. "But I canna help but wonder if there's more to this world than we've been led to believe."

"Sometimes, the unknown is better left unexplored," he replied solemnly.

As the days turned into weeks, I found myself torn between loyalty to my family and community, and the desire to seek out the truth hidden within the city wolf's cryptic words. My heart yearned for the mysteries that lay just beyond my reach, and I knew that one day, I would have to choose... To remain bound by the familiar, or to embrace the unknown.

The moon's soft glow illuminated the landscape, casting eerie shadows on the Scottish Highlands. I found myself wandering farther from home each night, my heart aching with an insatiable curiosity that had taken root within me since meeting the city wolf.

"Curiosity can lead to danger," Ewan's words echoed in my mind as I ventured into the darkness, my senses alive and alert. The rustle of leaves beneath my feet, the distant howls of wolves, and the earthy scent of the forest filled my senses, urging me forward.

"Ye must stay away from them, Sara," his voice warned again, but it was too late. The seeds of curiosity had been sown, and they grew stronger with each passing day.

"Is it wrong to be curious?" I whispered into the night, feeling both guilty and exhilarated by my defiance. The wild terrain of Scotland had always been my home, my sanctuary, and yet now it felt like a cage that bound me to a life I no longer recognised as my own.

"Sometimes, the unknown is better left unexplored." Ewan's final words haunted me, but the pull of the mysterious world beyond our borders was too strong to resist.

As weeks turned to months, I began asking around my family and pack, seeking knowledge of the world that lay just beyond my reach. I became engrossed in tales of far-off lands, enchanted forests, and magical creatures that seemed to defy all logic and reason. My dreams were filled with visions of the city wolf, its sleek black fur shimmering under the moonlight, its piercing blue eyes beckoning me to follow it into the unknown.

"Ye're changin', Sara," my mother said one evening, her eyes filled with worry. "Yer heart seems to be elsewhere."

"Och, I'm still here, Mother," I replied, trying to reassure her. "But I canna ignore the call of the world beyond our Highlands any longer."

"Ye must be careful, lass," she warned, her voice heavy with concern. "There's danger out there that ye know nothin' about."

"Is it not our duty to learn and grow, Mother?" I asked, my voice filled with determination. "To seek out the truth, no matter how dangerous it may be?"

"Sometimes, Sara," she said softly, her eyes filled with sadness, "the cost of knowledge is too high a price to pay."

That night, as I lay in bed, the wind whispered its secrets through the trees outside my window, carrying with it the promise of adventure and the allure of the unknown. My heart raced with anticipation, knowing that soon I would have to make a choice.

"Remember who ye are, and what yer duty is to our people," Ewan's words rang in my ears, but the call of the world beyond was impossible to ignore. The time had come for me to embrace the unknown, to face the dangers that awaited me on the path ahead.

"Curiosity can lead to danger," I whispered into the darkness, accepting the fate that awaited me. "But without it, we will never truly live."

As the moon shone brightly above me, casting its ethereal light upon the world below, I knew that my journey was only just beginning. Packing a small bag with only the essentials, I left for the unknown. A adventure that would lead me to learning how city wolves lived and their secrets. 

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