chapter 12

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The next morning I woke to a knock on the door, I opened it to find Ceyln stood in front of me. i wiped the dust from my eyes and stared at him. It was far too early for this the sun had only just started rising.

"Morning Sara, did I wake you?" He asked.

"Yes, why so early Ceyln?" I asked.

"Training, I wanted to talk to you about it." He responded.

"What about it ?" I replied.

"Every wolf in the city takes part in this training," said Ceyln, his voice low and authoritative. "It's essential for the pack's survival. And you, Sara, will be no exception."

A spark of competition ignited within me. I had always been a fierce protector of my family and friends, and now, it seemed, I would be given the chance to prove my worth among these city wolves. As much as I longed for the untamed freedom of my homeland, I couldn't help but feel a thrill at the prospect of this new challenge.

"Alright," I replied, determination settling in my bones. "When do we start?"

"Right now," Ceyln answered, gesturing towards the other wolves who had begun to gather around us. Their eyes, an array of blues, browns, and greens, scrutinised me with curiosity and apprehension. I could sense their doubts, and it only fuelled my desire to prove myself.

I took a deep breath and began my warm-up, stretching my limbs and loosening my joints. My movements were fluid and practiced, honed from years spent running through the rugged hills and dense forests of my homeland. But today, I chose to go easy on myself, conserving my strength for the real test that lay ahead. I wanted to study my opponents first, get a sense of the city wolves' fighting style before fully committing to the fray.

As I continued my warm-up, I couldn't help but think about how different this all was from my life back in Scotland. There, we fought to defend our land and traditions, not for the sake of competition. But perhaps this was a chance to learn something new, to grow stronger in ways I couldn't have back home. And so, with my heart pounding in anticipation, I prepared to face whatever challenges awaited me in this foreign territory and its customs.

The cold metal of the chain-link fence pressed against my back, an unwelcome reminder of the city that now enclosed me. I exhaled as I finished my last stretch, eyes scanning the wolves before me. Ceyln stepped forward, his blue eyes locked onto mine with a mix of challenge and curiosity.

"Today, you'll be paired with Jake," he announced, nodding towards a tall, broad-shouldered wolf with sandy hair and a cocky grin. "Let's see how you fare against our own."

"Alright," I replied, straightening up and flexing my fingers. A thrill of anticipation ran down my spine it was time to put my skills to the test.

"Ready when you are," Jake taunted, bouncing on the balls of his feet like an eager pup. I met his gaze, a small smile tugging at the corner of my lips.

"Take it easy on me, yeah?" I said, feigning nervousness. His grin widened, and I could sense his confidence swell. Perfect.

As we circled each other, I assessed his movements, noting the tension in his shoulders and the way he favoured his right leg. He lunged first, aiming for a quick takedown. But I had been studying him, anticipating his attack. With a swift sidestep, I evaded his grasp, allowing him to stumble past me.

"Come on, Sara," I chided myself internally. "You can do better than this." But I held back, allowing Jake to regain his footing and try again. Each time, I'd dodge or deflect his attacks, never fully engaging. I wanted them to underestimate me, to think they had sized me up. It was all part of the plan.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Ceyln watching intently, his arms crossed over his chest. I could feel his gaze boring into me, analyzing my every move. I wondered what he made of my performance, whether he could see through my ruse. But I didn't let my thoughts distract me from the task at hand.

"Alright, break it up," Ceyln called after a few minutes, stepping between us. His eyes narrowed as he studied me, and for a moment, I thought I saw a flicker of something amusement? in their depths. "You're holding back," he stated simply.

"Maybe I'm just being polite," I shot back, feigning innocence. He snorted, unimpressed by my retort.

"Next time, don't be," he said, his voice low and firm. "We need to see your true abilities if you're going to become one of us."

I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat. I knew he was right there was no room for games when it came to protecting our pack. But part of me couldn't help but cling to that sense of mystery, that feeling of power that came with keeping my true strength hidden.

"Alright," I agreed quietly, meeting his gaze one last time before he turned away. "No more holding back."

As I prepared to face my next opponent, I steeled myself for the challenges that lay ahead. There would be no more deception, no more playing it safe. It was time to show these city wolves what a wild heart could do.

The moment Ceyln's gaze left mine, a newfound determination coursed through my veins. I felt alive, ready to take on any challenge thrown my way. My senses were heightened, every sound and scent amplified as if the world around me was demanding my attention.

"Alright," Ceyln announced, his voice echoing in the training hall. "Sara, you're up against Megan next." He pulled the she-wolf aside, whispering something in her ear. Her eyes flicked toward me, a mixture of curiosity and competitiveness flashing within them.

"Give it all you've got," I heard him say, and I braced myself for the impending battle.

Megan wasted no time, lunging at me with an impressive speed that caught me off guard. But instead of fear, exhilaration surged through me as I dodged her attack, feeling more agile than ever before. Our fight was a blur of movement, each strike met with a counterstrike, each growl a chorus of our mutual determination.

"Is that all you have?" I taunted, grinning as I deftly sidestepped another blow. My confidence soared with each passing second, the thrill of the fight coursing through me like an unstoppable force.

"Hardly," Megan replied, her eyes narrowing as she prepared to strike again. But she never got the chance. In one fluid motion, I ducked beneath her outstretched arm and swept my leg around, knocking her off balance and sending her crashing to the ground.

"Better luck next time," I said, offering her a hand up. She took it reluctantly, her pride wounded but her respect for me evident in her gaze.

"Good job, both of you,"

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