Chapter 6

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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow across the forest as I trudged deeper into the BlackForest pack's territory. My feet crunched on fallen leaves, and the scent of pine and damp earth filled my nostrils. The sounds of distant howls and the rustle of wildlife surrounded me.

"Ah, Sara," a voice broke through my thoughts. A woman with caramel-colored hair approached me, bearing a warm smile. "Ceyln told us you'd be joining us today."

"Thank you," I responded hesitantly, still uncertain about what had transpired between Ceyln and me earlier.

"Let me explain some customs here," she said, her eyes glinting with understanding. "You see, Ceyln is set to take over the pack from his father soon. It is an age-old tradition for the new alpha to perform certain rituals, including finding his mate and future luna."

"Finding his mate?" I echoed, my confusion deepening as my gut twisted uncomfortably.

"Yes, there are trials he must endure, tests of strength and intelligence to prove his worthiness as a leader," she continued, oblivious to my growing unease. "And then, of course, there's the Choosing Ceremony, where the future alpha must select his luna."

"Choosing Ceremony?" My voice wavered slightly, the unfamiliarity of it all making me feel like a stranger in this world I thought I knew so well.

"Indeed. During the ceremony, the future alpha will present his chosen luna before the entire pack, and if she accepts, they will become one, united in their leadership of our people," she explained, her tone reverent.

I tried to wrap my head around the strange customs, feeling lost in the swirl of information. Back home in Scotland, our traditions were different simpler, perhaps, but rooted in the same respect for the bond between wolf and human. My mind raced as I tried to make sense of it all, a thousand questions bubbling up within me.

"Is there any way I can help prepare for the ceremony?" I asked, desperate to find my footing in this unfamiliar landscape.

"Of course," she smiled warmly. "You can assist with the preparations, learn our customs, and perhaps even participate in the ceremony itself. It is an honour to be part of such an important event."

"Thank you," I murmured, grateful for her guidance but still feeling like a fish out of water. With every step deeper into the BlackForest pack's territory, it seemed the gulf between our two worlds only grew wider. And hanging over it all was the shadow of Ceyln Blackwood a man whose presence both pulled me in and filled me with trepidation.

"Let's get started," I said, steeling myself for the journey ahead. No matter how foreign this place felt, I was determined to find my place here to learn, grow, and ultimately prove that I was worthy of the trust my own pack had placed in me.

"Follow me," the woman beckoned, and together we vanished into the darkening forest, leaving the warmth of the setting sun behind us.

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