Chapter 32

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The wind tugged at my auburn hair as I gazed out over the border of the BlackForest pack's territory, feeling lost and torn. The world I had known for so long seemed to be slipping away from me, replaced by this new life filled with strange customs and even stranger creatures. I could feel the weight of my wild heritage pressing down on me, yet I couldn't shake the feeling that I was an outsider here.

"Hey, Sara."

I turned to find Maeve approaching, her dark hair billowing behind her like a raven's wing. Bran followed close behind, his brown eyes filled with concern. My heart swelled with gratitude for their friendship, knowing they were the only ones who truly understood the conflict within me.

"Everything alright?" Maeve asked gently, her petite frame coming to stand beside me.

"Is it... is it normal to feel this way?" I whispered, my voice wavering with uncertainty. "To feel like you don't belong anywhere?"

Maeve shared a glance with Bran before answering. "I think it's natural to feel conflicted when your entire world has been upended," she said softly. "But remember, Sara, you have a strength within you that few possess. You've faced challenges before, and you'll face them again."

Bran nodded in agreement, his lean build shifting as he leaned against a nearby tree. "Sara, we're here for you, no matter what. And we believe in you."

Their words warmed me more than any fire ever could. I took a deep breath, trying to draw strength from the wild terrain that surrounded us. It was a part of me, just as much as the pack now was. In that moment, I realised that my journey would not be easy, but with allies like Maeve and Bran by my side, perhaps I could find my place in this new world.

In the dimming light, I caught sight of Ceyln approaching, his tall, muscular frame moving gracefully through the trees. His dark hair framed intense blue eyes that seemed to pierce straight through me, even from a distance.

"Hey," he said softly as he came to stand beside me, his warmth a comforting presence. "I could feel your turmoil from across the territory."

"Is it that obvious?" I asked with a weak smile, leaning into him ever so slightly. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close.

"Only to those who know you well," he murmured, pressing a tender kiss to my temple. "And Sara, I want you to know, I believe in you. Whatever you choose, wherever your path leads, I'm here for you. You have an extraordinary strength within you."

His words filled me with a sense of determination I hadn't felt in weeks. A spark ignited deep within me, fuelled by the love and support of those closest to me. It was time to reconnect with my wild heritage, to understand the roots that had shaped me into the person I was today.

"Thank you, Ceyln," I breathed, my voice barely above a whisper. "I need to find myself again, out there in the wilds of Scotland. I need to remember who I am."

"Then let's go," he said, his grip tightening protectively around me. "Let's find your truth together."

We set off into the Scottish wilderness, leaving behind the safety of the BlackForest pack territory. The landscape stretched out before us, untamed and unforgiving, its rugged beauty both humbling and inspiring. The crisp scent of heather and pine filled my nostrils, awakening the wild spirit that lay dormant within me.

As we ventured further into the untamed land, the sense of freedom I had once known returned with overwhelming force. The weight of my doubts and fears seemed to lift with every step, replaced by a renewed sense of purpose.

"Look at this place," I whispered in awe as we crested a hill, gazing out over the vast expanse of rolling heather, craggy peaks, and dark forests that surrounded us. "This is where I come from. This wild, beautiful land."

Ceyln's eyes never left mine as he spoke, his voice filled with emotion. "And it's made you who you are, Sara. Strong, resilient, and fierce. Embrace your past, for it has forged you into an incredible woman."

A tear escaped the corner of my eye, but I didn't bother to wipe it away. Instead, I focused on the sprawling wilderness before me, ready to explore the depths of my wild heritage and find my true self once more.

The sun dipped low in the sky, casting a fiery glow over the wild landscape. A gentle breeze whispered through the tall grasses and heather, carrying with it the scent of damp earth and pine. I trekked deeper into the Scottish wilderness, my heart swelling with pride and longing as I reconnected with the land of my ancestors.

"Look there, Sara," Ceyln murmured, his voice barely audible above the rustling leaves. He pointed to a small clearing up ahead, where a pack of wild wolves had gathered.

My breath caught in my throat as I gazed upon the magnificent creatures, their sleek bodies moving gracefully through the undergrowth. Their eyes glinted with intelligence and an innate understanding of the world around them. The wind shifted, carrying their scent to us—a mixture of fur, earth, and the faintest hint of blood from a recent kill.

"Amazing, aren't they?" Ceyln asked, his blue eyes reflecting the awe I felt in my very bones.

"More than that," I breathed, unable to tear my gaze away from the wolves. "They're...they're like me." A sense of kinship surged within me, a bond that transcended words and human understanding. These wolves were a living embodiment of my wild heritage, and I yearned to know them better, to learn from them.

"Would you like to perform a ritual to honour them and your heritage?" Ceyln suggested, his voice filled with reverence.

I nodded, feeling both humbled and empowered by the idea. We carefully gathered materials for the ritual, collecting fallen branches, stones, and handfuls of heather. As we worked, I couldn't help but steal glances at the wolves, watching their every move with rapt fascination.

"Are you ready, Sara?" Ceyln asked when we had finished assembling our makeshift altar.

"More than ever," I replied, my heart pounding with anticipation and determination.

I began the ritual by lighting a small fire, its flickering flames casting dancing shadows over the clearing. The scent of burning wood mingled with the wild aromas of the wilderness, creating a heady mixture that sent shivers down my spine. Ceyln stood beside me, his strong presence a source of comfort and support as I chanted in ancient Gaelic, calling upon the spirits of my ancestors and the wild wolves to guide and strengthen me.

As the ritual continued, I felt a surge of energy flowing through every fibre of my being. It was as if the very essence of the wild had seeped into my soul, awakening primal instincts and desires long suppressed by civilisation. I raised my arms to the sky, reviling in the raw power coursing through my veins.

"Can you feel it, Sara?" Ceyln asked softly, a hint of wonder in his voice. "The connection between you and your wild heritage?"

"Yes," I whispered, tears streaming down my cheeks as emotion threatened to overwhelm me. "It's incredible."

With the completion of the ritual, I understood that my wild side was not something to be feared or rejected but embraced. This newfound acceptance fueled my resolve to honor my heritage and integrate it into my life as a member of the BlackForest pack.

"Thank you, Ceyln," I murmured, my voice thick with gratitude. "For everything."

"Always, Sara," he replied, taking my hand and squeezing it gently. "Always."

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