chapter 7

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The damp earth beneath my feet seemed to pulse with life, a rhythm that I was still struggling to learn. The scent of rich pine permeated the air as we moved deeper into the heart of the BlackForest pack's territory. My senses strained to pick up on any sign of Ceyln; I couldn't help but feel drawn to him, despite the uncertainty that weighed heavily on my chest.

"Ah, there you are," a deep voice called out from the shadows, causing me to jump in surprise.

Ceyln stepped out from behind a large oak tree, his tall, muscular frame moving with the grace and fluidity of a predator. His intense blue eyes locked onto mine, and I felt a shiver run down my spine, a sensation I had never experienced before. His gaze swept over me as if he could see right through to my soul, stripping away all my defenses in an instant.

"Hello, Sara...I've been waiting for you."

His words hung in the air between us, their meaning both electrifying and unsettling. I swallowed hard, trying to find my voice.

"Y-you have?" I stammered, taken aback by his intensity.

"From the moment I met you up north, I knew you were special," he replied, stepping closer. The proximity sent my heart racing, and I found myself unable to look away from his piercing eyes. "You carry the essence of the wild within you, the spirit of your ancestors a connection that is rare even among our kind."

His fingers brushed against my wrist, and the world seemed to fall away, leaving only the heat of his touch and the magnetic pull drawing us together. I struggled to maintain control, reminding myself of my responsibilities and the importance of remaining true to my own pack.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I whispered, trying to ignore the way my skin tingled beneath his touch.

"Your destiny is here, with me," he said with unwavering conviction. "I can feel're meant to be my mate, my luna."

His words sent a jolt through me, and I couldn't deny the truth in them the sense of belonging that had been growing ever since I set foot on this foreign soil. But the weight of our respective duties loomed large between us, threatening to crush the fragile connection we shared.

"Is that really possible?" I asked, my voice barely more than a breath. "Our packs are so different, and I hardly know anything about your customs."

"Then let me teach you," he murmured, his fingers tracing a path up my arm, sending shivers down my spine. "Together, we can bridge the divide between our worlds, lead our people into a new age of unity and understanding."

The sincerity in his voice made my heart ache, but I couldn't ignore the nagging doubts that still lingered. Was I truly ready to embrace this new life, to leave behind everything I'd ever known for a man I'd only just met? And was Ceyln truly prepared to shoulder the burden of two packs and their conflicting traditions?

"Give me some time," I said softly, pulling away from his touch. "I need to think, to learn what it would truly mean to become your luna."

"Take all the time you need," he replied, his gaze never leaving mine. "But know that I am certain of this, Sara we belong together. And I will do everything in my power to prove it to you."

I blinked rapidly, taken aback by Ceyln's sudden declaration. My heart raced and my palms grew clammy as I tried to process his words. How could he be so sure about me? We'd only just met, and yet he was already convinced that I was destined to be his mate, his luna. The air around us seemed to thicken with tension, and for a moment, I found it hard to breathe.

"Wh-why do you think that?" I stammered, struggling to find my voice. "How can you be so certain?"

Ceyln merely smiled, his intense blue eyes never leaving mine. "I cannot explain it," he replied softly. "But from the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you are the one."

My cheeks flushed under his unwavering gaze, and I couldn't help but feel both flattered and unnerved by his certainty. After all, who was I to inspire such devotion? As if sensing my thoughts, Ceyln's eyes roamed over my features, taking in every detail of my appearance.

"Your beauty is unlike any I have ever seen before," he murmured, his voice filled with wonder. "The way your wavy auburn hair falls around your shoulders like an untamed waterfall, the piercing green eyes that seem to hold the wisdom of the ages within them... You are truly a vision, Sara."

Though his words were kind, I couldn't shake the feeling that they held a deeper significance, a weight I couldn't yet comprehend. And as I considered my own reflection in the still waters of the nearby stream, I had to admit that there was something different about me, something that set me apart from the others in my pack.

My strong, lithe frame spoke of years spent running through the wild terrain of Scotland, honing my skills as both a hunter and a warrior. The sharp, angular lines of my face belied a strength and determination that few could rival, while the vibrant hue of my eyes seemed to hold an otherworldly glow.

Yet despite my physical attributes, I couldn't help but feel vulnerable under Ceyln's intense scrutiny. It was as if he could see through me, peering into the very depths of my soul and I wasn't sure I was ready for that kind of exposure.

"Please," I whispered, lowering my gaze. "I don't understand all of this. I need time... time to think."

"Of course," Ceyln replied, a hint of disappointment colouring his tone. "Take all the time you need, Sara. But know that I will be waiting for you, whenever you are ready."

With that, he turned and slipped back into the shadows of the forest, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the ever-present uncertainty that had become my constant companion since arriving in the BlackForest pack's territory.

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