Chapter 14

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The sun had finally risen when I found myself standing in the center of the BlackForest pack's training grounds. Ceyln and I had spent hours discussing the changes we wanted to implement, and now it was time to put our plan into action. The air was crisp and cool, a pleasant contrast to the fire burning within me.

"Alright, everyone!" I called out to the assembled werewolves, who were visibly curious about what I had in store for them. "Today, we're going to work on something new a combination of defence, offence, strategy, and analytics. It's important that you not only know how to fight but also understand your opponents."

"Let's start with a basic defensive stance," I demonstrated, my voice firm and steady. The pack members followed suit, mirroring my movements as best they could. I walked among them, correcting postures and offering encouragement.

"Remember, a strong defence is just as vital as a powerful offence," I reminded them, meeting their eyes one by one. Their determination fuelled my own resolve.

"Next, we'll practice some offensive moves." I led them through a series of strikes and counterattacks, watching closely as they adapted to the unfamiliar techniques. Some struggled more than others, but I saw potential in each of them.

"Good job," I praised, allowing a small smile to grace my lips. "Now, let's talk strategy."

Ceyln stepped forward, his tall frame radiating authority. "We've been too linear in our approach," he admitted, his voice tinged with humility. "Sara has shown me the importance of adaptability and unpredictability. This will give us an edge over our enemies."

"Exactly," I agreed, pleased that he grasped the concept. "By studying your opponent's fighting style, you can anticipate their next move and exploit their weaknesses."

"Finally," I said, "we'll work on analytics. It's crucial to constantly assess the situation during a fight, and make adjustments accordingly."

The pack members exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of uncertainty and determination. I could feel their resistance to change, but also their hunger for improvement.

"Alright," I said, clapping my hands together. "Let's practice what we've learned. Pair up and begin sparring."

As the werewolves moved into position, I felt a sense of pride welling up inside me. They were strong, capable fighters but with my guidance, they would become even more formidable.

"Remember," I instructed them as they began to spar, "stay focused, stay adaptable, and above all, trust your instincts."

Their movements were raw and unpolished, but the spark of potential was unmistakable. And as I watched them learn and grow, I knew that together, we would rise against any challenge that came our way.

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