does he?

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The lunch bell rang, Todoroki got up and walked over to Midoriya. The encounter with the h/c haired girl has been on his mind all morning. Her behavior was odd. Todoroki wondered if he did something to offend Y/n in any sort of way.

"Midoriya?" Todoroki called out as they left the classroom. Midoriya turned to him with a smile.

"Yeah, Todoroki~Kun?"

"Is Midoriya~Chan upset with me?" He questioned. Midoriya looked at him confused. The green-haired boy questioned, to himself, why Todoroki would ask that.

"No, not that I know of any. Why?"

"Well this morning, she ran into the door and I asked her if she was alright. Midoriya~Chan didn't even look at me and ran off," Todoroki explains. Midoriya tried to not laugh at the fact his sister ran into a door because Todoroki was being serious.

"I'll talk to her, don't worry," Midoriya reassured with a smile. Todoroki nodded.

"Also," he says, taking out his phone. Midoriya nervously started to sweat, having an idea of what the bi-haired male was about to ask him. Todoroki showed Midroiya his phone screen, a contact pulled up.

"Do you know this number?" Todoroki questioned. Midoriya pretended to study the number, knowing it was his sisters.

"No, I don't" he lied, shaking his head. Todoroki stared at his screen confused.

"Strange, they said they knew you," he mumbled before putting his phone back into his pocket.

"Who?" the green-haired questioned, carelessly, even though he knew the entire situation already. But, he needed to pretend to be oblivious or he'll blow Y/n cover.

"Some girl. She told me she has a crush on me. All I know is that she goes to this school and that she knows you. But, I guess that was not true," Todoroki explains, disappointment clear on his facial features. Midoriya felt bad for lying, but Y/n would not forgive him if he told Todoroki the truth.

"Maybe, I do know her and just don't have her number?" Midroiya says, giving Todoroki some hope. Todoroki gave the green-haired boy a small smile before they entered the cafeteria.


"You know, it would help if you actually fucking talked to him," Bakugou says, watching Y/n stared at Todoroki from afar. Y/n looked at him like he just said the stupidest statement ever, which he did in her opinion.

"You know that is not possible," she said, crossing her arms, leaning back in her chair. Bakugou rolled his eyes before continuing to eat. Y/n shifted her attention back to Todoroki. She noticed right away he seemed kind of down. Maybe it is from the interaction from this morning? Gaining some confidence, Y/n got up and walked over to his table. She plopped down beside him. Midoriya choked on his rice when he saw his sister so close to Todoroki. Everything sent him looks of concern, but Y/n knew he was fine and put her focus back on Todoroki.

"T-Todoroki~Senpai?" Y/n called out, Todoroki jumped a bit, seeing her beside him out of the blue.


"I want to apologize for this morning. I was embarrassed that you saw me run into the door and that is why I ran off," she explained. Todoroki mentally sighed out in relief and smile.

"It is alright. I thought I might have don't something to upset you," he spoke. Y/n blushed seeing his smile so sweetly at her.

"I'm glad and there's nothing you could do to upset me," Y/n says, internally cursing at herself, but hid it with a smile. The two stared at each for a few awkward minutes, until Uraraka spoke up.

"Hey, Y/n~chan, how's Kosuke? I haven't seen him for a while," she asked. Y/n immediately snaps her attention away, hearing her son's name.

"Oh, he's doing good. I'll bring him to your dorm later if you want to," Y/n suggests. Uraraka nods, smiling. Y/n and Uraraka began talking about Kosuke. While that was going on, only Midroiya noticed how Todoroki was looking at Y/n. He seemed to be gazing at her with affection. Midoriya began to think.

He seemed really upset when he thought Y/n was upset with him. And he seemed really happy when she wasn't. Now, he gazing at her, as Y/n looks at him. Does he...doesTodoroki likes Y/n?!

"Hmm," he hummed, looking at Todoroki once more. He suddenly stood up, gaining the attention of the table.

"Todoroki~Kun," he said, pointing to him, confusing everyone "can I speak to you, privately?" the green-haired boy asked with determination clear in his green orbs. Todoroki slowly nodded, really confused. But, he stood up and followed Midoriya out of the cafeteria. Y/n watched them go. She wondered what her brother wanted to speak to Todoroki about. Hopefully, it is nothing about her being unknown.

He wouldn't do that, right? she questioned in her head.

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