is this?

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After they left, Y/n got up and left as well. She went to look for the duo, but couldn't find them anywhere. Y/n gave up and went back to the classroom, after hearing the bell ring. She sat at her desk and sighed, she wondered what they were talking about. Y/n went back to the thought of her brother telling Todoroki, but dismissed it, seeing the two walk by the classroom. Y/n quickly stood up and walked to her brother, a serious expression on his face.

"Hey-" Midoriya was cut off by Y/n grabbing his wrist and yanking him. Y/n dragged him down the hall until they were far away from Todoroki. Y/n turned to him. Midoriya had a confused expression on his face.

"Y/n what is wrong?"

"Did you tell him?!" she asked.

"Tell who?" he began to question, but then realized who she was talking about "No, no I didn't!" he answered waving his hands frantically " I wouldn't do that," Y/n crossed her arms.

"Then what were you talking about?" she questioned, curious. Midroiya began to sweat. She can't know, Todoroki asked him to not tell anyone. But Y/n is pushy, she'll eventually find out. No matter what.

"N-nothing I can tell you. It's between Todoroki and me," he says.

"Fine," Y/n spoke before walking past him. Midoriya turned and watched her. Todoroki still stood in the same spot, a puzzled look on his face. Y/n brushed past him, not even sparing a glance. She was pissed. Why can't she know? Todoroki and her are close friends. Well, she can't be close to him much anymore or she'll turn into a stuttering tomato. Heading back to her desk, she sat down, crossing her arms, pouting. Maybe Todoroki secretly hates her and told her brother. And she can't know because it'll hurt her. The thought sent a sad frown to her face. Y/n's phone buzzed from her bag, she leaned down and grabbed it. Y/n face whitened when she read the message.



Is this you, Y/n?

Y/n began to freak. She quickly typed up a response. Y/n wanted to tell him yes it is, but she couldn't. So she lied.


no, this isn't

And she didn't know this would come back and hit her in the ass.

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