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Two days had passed. No one noticed that Y/n was missing, that was until Izuku got a call from his mother saying Y/n never came to pick up Kosuke yesterday. Izuku immediately informed Aizawa and his fellow classmates. They all gather in the common room.

"When the last time you saw Y/n?" Aizawa questioned his students. The majority said they haven't seen her since the end of school, two days ago. Kirishima lied right through his teeth, saying he didn't either.

"I saw her two nights ago," Izuku spoke, gaining the attention of everyone. Todoroki decided to speak up as well.

"Y/n and spoke that same night. That was the last time I saw her. I didn't see her leave or go anywhere. I think she stayed outside a bit longer than I did," Todoroki said, his face was unreadable, but not the inside, he was worried. He hoped their fallout didn't make her do anything stupid.

"I'll notify the police. I want everyone to stay here and don't do anything that'll get you into trouble. I know you're worried, but let the adults handle this," Aizawa sternly says before leaving the building, his phone ready to call. It was quiet among the teens. That was until Bakugou spoke up.

"Hey, Eijirou. I saw you leave that same night. Did you happen to see her? And where did you go?" Bakugou questioned his red-haired boyfriend. Kirishima cursed mentally for not be careful.

"No, I didn't. I was out walking around because I couldn't sleep. No one was out there when I rounded to the front of the building," he lied, eyeing Todoroki who was gazing at him suspiciously.

"I see," Bakugou mumbled before getting up and leaving the room. Kirishima quickly followed after him.

"I hate sitting here and doing nothing!" Uraraka said as she nervously bounced her legs.

" I know, me too, but you heard Aizawa-Sensei, we can't leave. We cant do what we did for Bakugou last year, we'll get into trouble," Izuku says sadly.

"Hey, everyone...I think Kirishima is lying," Todoroki spoke, after making sure Kirishima was gone.

"What makes you so sure of that?"

"Because Kirishima went outside after I had gone out to meet up with Y/n. I saw him, but he didn't see me," Todoroki explained. The room fell silent, everyone gazing at each other.

"I've noticed him seek out a lot at night and he's really secretive," Kaminari adds.

"Same here," Sero agrees. Iida stands up.

"We must inform Aizawa-Sensei now! I don't think Kirishima is who he says he is," everyone agreed, but before that could, a voice spoke out.

"I don't think you should do that," the whole class heads turned over to see Kirishima, holding a knife to Bakugous throat.

"If any of you made any movements, or try to call for help. I'll slice his throat," Kirishima darkly said as Bakugou struggled against his grip. Everyone sat down and did as told. Kirishima let go of Bakugou and the blond glared at his now ex-boyfriend and joined the others.

"Dont try to leave either. My buddies are at every exist. And don't bother screaming or yelling. Someone has a noise-canceling Quirk no one will hear you from miles away,"

"Wheres Y/n you traitor," Bakugou angrily asks.

"Oh, her? The bitch is locked up somewhere you'll never find,"

"Why would you do this? We trusted you!"

"I was never on your side, to begin with," Kirishima smirked. Everyone's eyes widen and the room fell silent. Izuku started to think about what to do at this moment. He eyes Kirishima who was gazing out the window. Izuku looked at Todoroki and discreetly motion him to go behind him as Izuku pulled out his phone. He kept it behind him as Todoroki got the hint, then carefully and quickly sent a sos to Aizawa. Todoroki put the phone back into Izukus hands and the green-haired boy slipped it back into his pocket.

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