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"How the hell did you get out?" Kirishima asked clearly pissed off. Y/n firmly crossed her arms.

"I had help," she said gesturing to Kai who walked in.

"I knew we shouldn't have let you live," Kirishima growled. Kai shrugged.

"Your mistake. Now let them go," Kai darkly spoke. Kirishima gulped a bit, stepping back. He found Kai very intimidating.

"What makes you think I'll do that?"

"Because I'm not someone you want to mess with," Kai said, stepping towards him. But Bakugou blocked him.

"Fuck off! Y/n, why are you with the enemy?!" Bakugou yelled angrily at her.

"He got me out of that hellhole. He's on our side"' y/n says back calmly.

"But the things he-" Izuku started but was cut off.

"Are in the past," she forced herself to say. Izuku stared at her in disbelief before sadly looking away.

"Oh right, you were his little plaything, weren't you, Y/n?" Kirishima questioned with a smirk. As soon as that left his mouth everyone but Izuku and Kai gazed at her.

"That's none of your business!"

"Y/n... Is that true?" Todoroki asked. Y/n looked at him quickly. Tears were in his eyes as he gazed at her with anger.

"Todoroki I-"

"What was I to you? Did you actually like me? Or was I something you strung along for fun, huh?" He questioned.

"That's not true!"

"How am I supposed to believe that? All you do is lie. I don't know what the truth is anymore..."

"What exactly happened with you two?" Bakugou questioned, " What does he mean, Y/n?" The h/c girl fell silent too upset to speak.

"I'll tell you. She and Overhaul were besties. Then they weren't. He drugged her, forced her to have sex, then boom Kosuke. He is the father and she agreed to tend to his sexual needs to keep Kosuke alive," Kirishima briefly explains. Y/n, Izuku, and Kai glared at him.

"That was none of your business to tell!" Izuku said.

"I honestly don't really care," Kirishima shrugged before looking at Y/n.

"Hey, Y/n, why don't I make this easy for you. Since either Todoroki or anyone else trusts you. I'll kill them all and you can join the lov?" The red-head proposes.

"Fine, have it your way," he said then pulls out a gun. He aims it and fires. The room fell silent, as they watched the bullet fly. It was like it was all in slow motion. Kirishima aimed for Todoroki. Two-shaded eyes widen in fear. He wanted to move but couldn't. Next thing next, blood-splattered as Todoroki fell over.

Izuku yelled, trying to move but was held back as tears streamed down from his green orbs. Everyone stared in shock, they were frozen, stunned. Blood all they saw was blood and heard cries of pain.

MESSAGING HIM || todoroki s. | old.uneditedWhere stories live. Discover now