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"Open your hand and close your eyes!" Winter said, putting her hands behind her back with a sly grin. The older tilted her head in confusion as she sat in her chair. "Why?" The younger pouted, "just do it!" she squirmed her body impatiently. The older sighed with a small smile. She then closed her eyes slowly before placing her hands out in front of her.

She felt something light get placed in her palm but she didn't open her eyes until commanded to. "Okay, open them!" The younger said with a bright smile. The older girl opened her eyes, landing on the cut out paper hearts that were placed in her hands. She smiled softly at the younger.

"Paper hearts again?" She asked as she placed them down on her desk. She would tape them to her wall later, since Winter had made tons of paper hearts for her and told her to tape them to her wall. Of course Karina didn't mind but her wall was halfway covered with paper hearts and her wall was pretty long.

"Yup! I colored it blue this time!" The younger exclaimed with her hands fidgeting slightly behind her back. The blonde haired then turned to the blue paper hearts. Winter would always color the paper pink or a light red which was basically pink. But some of the times she'd leave them white, but it was not often.

The older then pushed up her glasses and turned back to Winter, "why is that?" Karina asked as she leaned back against her chair. Winter was taken back from the question, "well.. you know.. I had to switch it up at some point!" The younger chuckled nervously and covered her uneasiness with a smile.

Karina nodded firmly as she looked at the paper hearts once again. She thought that it was cute how the size of the paper hearts would always change since Winter would always make them just with her scissors and her pile of paper. She'd sometimes rush so the paper hearts wouldn't come out the way she wanted to. But that's only the times she was busy.


Winter plopped onto her bed face first, thinking about her day with Karina. She then laid her head to the side of her pillow and stared at her wall with one singular paper heart. It was one but it was big enough to see. Karina had made it for her because of how much she appreciated her as a friend.

The short brown haired girl sighed, the word 'friend' Just didn't feel right with Winter. She wanted to be more than friends with Karina, no not best friends, something more. She wanted to be with Karina all the time, she wanted to wake up next to her and be able to see her bare face in the morning. Unfortunately that wasn't possible.

Her phone ringed with a phone call. She lifted her body up to her nightstand beside her and grabbed her phone that laid on it. She saw the contact 'Mom' and sighed before answering it.

"Hello?" Winter answered while putting the phone to her ear.

"Hi honey! Are you all packed up?" Her mom said over the phone. Winter tried to blink the tears away, knowing that she would have to leave Karina soon to move back to Seoul just for her studies and her parents, it hurt her. She gulped slowly before answering,

"Yes. Why are you calling me about it though? My flight is still in two weeks."

Winter could hear a giggle over the phone, "I'm just making sure you're ahead of time, sweetie." Her mom replied sounding extremely happy. She had every right to be happy though, Winter moved out at 16 to move to Los Angeles. She hardly contacted her parents since she wanted to focus on her life more. Until she met Karina it was hard to focus because the girl was just so perfect in every way.

Eventually the mom and daughter hanged up on each other after they talked for a while.

Winter stared at a photo of Karina on her phone and let out a shaky sigh. A drop fell onto the phone screen and next thing she knew she was crying. She covered her eyes with her hand but it didn't help her stop from crying. She really would miss Karina, the feeling of not seeing her just made her break down. Karina was truly the only good thing in her life.

I promise I'll make a 1,000 paper hearts for you before I leave.


"When are you going to tell her, Win?" Her friend ningning said over the phone. Ningning was her close friend in Seoul, even though they never saw each other in real life for four years, they still knew had updates about each others lives.

Winter walked into the collage as she held her phone up to her ear, "I don't know, I don't think Karina would want to know anyways."

"Know what?" Karina said behind the shorter girl jumped up in shock, stumbling away from the older. She huffed, "don't scare me like that!" Winter then checked her phone and then put it back to her ear, "I'll call you later Ning." Winter heard a teasing hum over the phone before she hung up.

"Who was that?" Karina asked, tilting her head. Winter then opened her backpack and digging in it for something. "Ningning." Winter replied as her hand shifted into her backpack.

"The cute one!" Karina snapped her fingers after she remembered the picture Winter had showed her of Ningning.

Winter froze for a minute. She immediately snapped back into her senses, "mhm" she trailed while pulling the paper hearts she had made overnight.

Karina's eyes went wide, "that's more than last time!" Karina tried to look at each paper heart and tried to count but her eyes couldn't really see all of them. Winter did make a lot last night, due to her about to move and her missing Karina, she just made paper hearts for her because they reminded her of the older. The way she'd accept every paper heart she gave to her just made her heart light up.

"Take them! If I can hold them, you can!" Winter said as she held a pile of paper hearts. Her hands weren't that big so the pile made it look 10x bigger than it actually was.

Karina smiled softly before taking the hearts from Winter's hands and placing them in her pouch. Karina had bought a pouch just in case Winter gave her paper hearts when they weren't at her house. And she didn't want to stuff them into her backpack either.

"By the way, Winter.." Karina said as they walked to their class together. The younger hummed in response, "what did you mean earlier?" Karina then turned her head to look slightly down at the younger.

Winter looked up with a confused expression, "what do you mean?" The younger tilted her head, not remembering the events that happened earlier.

"About knowing something, what was that about?" Karina asked. Winter stopped in her tracks as the older did the same. Karina began to feel more curious.

The younger smiled nervously, "it's nothing," Winter cling onto Karina's arms before continuing, "now let's go to class before we're late." The older squinted her eyes in suspiciousness but nodded slowly.

Winter 💌

Winter 💌 - Karina! A new song came out!!

Karina 💗 - oh? What is it called?

Winter 💌 - Paper Hearts by Tori Kelly!

Karina 💗 -  Paper hearts? Is that song made for us?

Winter 💌 - Sort of !


AUTHORS NOTE: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please look forward to the next ^^

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