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from now on Winter had to live the rest of her life without Karina. Who was buried just a year ago from now. She still hadn't felt like herself, not wanting to visit the empty hospital room that was filled with an ocean of paper hearts. Though she was now sitting in front of a gravestone in the hospital garden.

Karina Yu - Born April 2000 ; died in December 2027

"I had a bad day again, love." she spoke, her tired eyes focusing on the various flowers next to the gravestone.

maybe she had been just crazy she could still see the older laying perfectly still like she had still been on the hospital bed. Karina's cold resting eyes were still in her mind clearly. But the only thing that had kept her going was the video that Karina had made for her. Maybe the older one knew she would die; her words were so obvious but Winter was too oblivious at the time.

During the past year Yunjin had tried to get closer to Winter, but despite her efforts the brunette couldn't seem to enjoy anything in life anymore, not wanting to go anywhere except the gravestone of Karina Yu.

"How long has it been? 2212 days if I counted right." she says before opening her palm, revealing a pill bottle. "I can't take it anymore, love. It's too hard for me, I'm sorry." She says with the slightest crack in her tone.

It was now 4:57 pm — the sun was setting; revealing the pink sky that was so beautiful to Winter.

Sunset had always been Winter's favourite time of the day. Perhaps doing this now was the best possible way to send herself off. She sighed to herself as she spilled the contents of the bottle onto her palm, which trembled more violently than she would have liked to admit. She wouldn't even need water to gulp them down, she didn't care enough to bring any.

Just as she was above to chug it all down her throat, a loud 'crack' resonated from above her.

Winter barely had time to look up to assess the source, and even less time to barely dodge it as a branch right above her snapped in half and came crashing down. It missed Winter by a string of hair; but now, her pills were messily scattered into the dirtied soil of the grass. The bottle in her hand earlier was hastily thrown away too, now laying raggedly several meters ahead of her. Frustrated, Winter loudly cussed underneath her breath.

Even at her last moments the heavens always seemed cruel to her.

Groaning, she stood up, walking toward the middle of the field where her bottle was. The sun was glowing an angry red now, at its brink of submerging. The bright light invading her field of vision made her flinch as she shielded her eyes with one hand.

However, when she dropped them, she noticed something she didn't earlier.

In the perfect center of the glowing sunset in front of her now stood a figure. A taller figure.

It was difficult for Winter to make out who it was. At first thought, she attempted to dismiss it as another late visitor of the park, and tried to approach her strewn bottle on the grass. But then, slowly—the figure moved.

And it was moving towards her.

With every approaching step they took, Winter's heart mysteriously began to pick up in her chest. Her brain short-circuited as her vision cleared, eyes gradually adjusting to the light. There's no harm in at least identifying this stranger at the very least, Winter thought. Perhaps she can convince them to move to another section of the park, leaving her alone to finish off her deed.

But once she saw just enough, an audible gasp left her. It was the silhouette of a figure she knew all too well—the outlines of a frame she spent every single day staring at, once upon a time.

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