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It has been 5 days since Karina last saw Minjeong. Part of her was telling herself to just text her but the other part of her worried about what would happen if she did text her.

Karina was laying down on her bedroom floor, her eyes never once leaving the blue paper heart that Winter had made for her. She still had no clue why the younger had colored it blue, no matter how many times she thought about it she'd just get frustrated.

"What happened that night?" She whispered to herself. Minjeong mentioned something that happened but she couldn't seem to even get close to an possible answer. Her eyes felt heavy but she never has felt this way before. The heart that was small ached violently, tears swelled up in her eyes as she continued to stare at the paper heart.

Nothing made sense to her. She always wondered why she was so clueless at times.

And here she is now. Standing in front of Minjeong's doorstep as the heavy rain poured on her. Her body felt so heavy but it never once wanted to turn around. Her hair was soaked, the rain falling off of her fingertips so slowly as it rushed down her arm.

Her shivering body began to regret its decision. What was she even doing in front of Minjeong's house? Why did she suddenly just come here without hesitation?
"This is foolish." She muttered to herself. She turned back her body to her parked vehicle in Minjeong's driveway. A shaky sigh released out of Karina's mouth, closing her eyes while she let the rain rush down on her.

Without a thought she immediately turned back to Minjeong's door and rung the doorbell. It was currently 10:23, a random time that was unusual.

The only sound Karina could hear was the heavy rain that made her feel like the sky was trying to freeze her to death. She lowered her head, hoping for something good to come as she waited so patiently.

"Karina?" A small voice said. The black hair then shot her head up. Revealing the beautiful brunette that she loved. "You're soaked! Come inside," Minjeong said, pulling the older in, not even giving her a chance to utter a word.

Karina sat on Minjeong's living room floor, she sat in such a formal position but the younger's house was so comfortable.

She hadn't had the chance to get a good look at Minjeong's home. She didn't notice how neat and clean it was inside. She felt a bit embarrassed coming in with her soaked clothes.

"What were you thinking? Why didn't you tell me you were outside?!" Minjeong complained, sitting behind her as she started to dry Karina's hair with a perfectly warm towel.

Karina's eyes widened, this feeling felt weird yet so relaxing. Her head lowered as she sinked into the warmth of the towel. "I wanted to see you. And talk about something." Karina mumbled, her voice cracking from the coldness in her throat.

The younger stopped for a moment, before moving the towel on Karina's damp hair once again. "About what?" Winter asked softly, ignoring Karina's possible flirt.

The one who sat in front of Winter, turned her head slowly to lock eyes with the girl who was now holding a cold towel. Completely different from she once had it.

"Winter, I want to be with you. I want to see you everyday and kiss you before I go to work. I want to cook your meals everyday, you don't have to cook anything ever in your life anymore if you don't want to, I'll make it for you. Please let me have a chance with you. We can forget all our hardships together."


"I know I was too stupid to realize your love for me at first. I regret not choosing you from day one. You are way better than anyone I have ever known. You are so special to me, Winter." The older then climbed on the couch with Winter, pinning her against the arm handle slightly.

"May I?" Karina asked, only inches away from Winter's plumped lips. The younger one was speechless, her gaze fixed in Karina's and all her feelings that she swore she left behind came back to her.

With a small nod, Winter agreed.

Their lips connected slowly, Karina's cold body began to feel more warmth. The stained tears on her cheeks were no longer existent. The kiss was slow and gentle, Karina wanting nothing more than this moment. Taking off her own shirt that trenched in water, placing it on the ground without hesitation.

"Are you alright with this?" Karina asked between their soft kiss, opening her eyes slowly to see Minjeong's beautiful eyes that glistened. "Yes," Winter replied softly, her eyes showing no sigh of hesitation.

"I love you so much, Winter." The older said before continuing their kiss, placing a gentle hand on Winter's small waist. Her hands were cold but not once did the shorter one shiver, her body felt hot if anything.

Words were unable to come out of her mouth, her mind couldn't even think correctly as Karina kissed her. She didn't believe any of this was real, her thoughts didn't want to believe it. But the other side of her did want to believe it. She wanted to have a true future with Karina until her dying breaths.

"I love you too, Karina."

"I love you, Karina." Winter says, staring at the girl who was drawing a small heart with her pen on her back hand. Karina looked up, her eyes are the most beautiful thing to Winter, she wish that could see them everyday in her life, when she woke up especially.

"I love you too, Winter." Karina said with a friendly tone. Her small smile made Winter feel a bit at peace, seeing her smile just made her feel so much better. Karina took Winter's hand gently, drawing a small black heart on the back of her hand.

"What are they for?" Winter asked in a small voice, trying to ignore the "I love you" that wasn't really real. The older finished finally, putting her pen away in her case, "it's a resemblance for paper hearts," she says, "I can't draw paper hearts on a hand so I drew just a heart, I'm sorry." Karina says, her tone a bit disappointed.

Winter shook her head, "no need to apologize, it's still perfect." She replies, looking at the perfectly drawn paper heart on her hand. "Oh! That reminds me!" Karina shouted suddenly before jumping off her couch and turning to winter, "stay there, I have a surprise." Karina says before bolting to her room.

With confusion Winter just sat on the couch in silence.

"Close your eyes," Karina says softly behind Winter. The younger one obeyed, starting to feel more curious as the seconds went by.

The darkness filled her eyes but she didn't mind because she knew that Karina was with her.

"Open them!" The girl heard the voice that was now in front of her. She opened her eyes slowly, revealing an average size paper heart. It wasn't small but it wasn't big, it was just perfect.

"It's perfect." Winter muttered in adoration.


AUTHORS NOTE: Hope you enjoyed the chapter, please look forward to the next.

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