Returned Feeling

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♪ That I've always wonder what you're up to ..

Karina walked happily on the sidewalk while listening to song Winter had suggested to her years ago. It was one of the precious memories that Winter had gave her.

She walked along the sidewalk where multiple people passed her in the busy city of Seoul. She had gotten used to the busy people all over the city and she had found it somewhat comforting.

Karina roomed around, stopping at a small park that two people sat at the swings. She did not think too much of it, she had sat on a bench , opening her phone to see if Minjeong had texted her back.

No response..

The black haired girl overthinks a lot, maybe way too much than she should. But this time her overthinking was somewhat positive for her. She thought that maybe Minjeong was too busy to answer her text, and she didn't have time to type anything back.

Even if it was a lie, Karina would wait until Minjeong had texted something back.

"Rina?" A voice said behind her, she turned her back to behind the bench. She met eye contact with the brunette, her doe eyes staring softly down at the black haired woman on the bench.

Karina took off her headphones and smiled before she stood up.
"Minjeong, what a coincidence! What brings you here?" Karina asked, seeing Minjeong's eyes look near the swings.

"I came here to meet my girlfriend here." Minjeong blurted, her eyes staying still at the people that were swinging slowly.

Karina froze, not wanting to take in what Minjeong had said. Without saying a word, Karina turned her head to the people at the swings. The two people were now kissing, it wasn't until Karina realized what Minjeong had said.

There was two girls that were kissing on the swings.. Could it be..
"But now I know why she wanted me here." Minjeong said before she shifted her eyes back at Karina.

"Minjeong, is that possibly-"

"Yes, my girlfriend is cheating on me." Karina swore she felt her heart drop for the first time in a while. She could hear the sound of it at the bottom of her stomach.

As the tears formed in Minjeong's eyes, Karina hugged her right away. "It's okay, you can let it out." Karina whispered, feeling the smaller one sob against her shoulder.

Even though her shirt would be covered with tears she did not care. As long as she was the one Minjeong cried to for comfort she was completely alright with it.

Minjeong sobbed against a familiar body, a more comfortable one than her own lover's.
She wanted to stay in this feeling forever and never let go of it but she knew that it wasn't right.

"Rina.. I have something to ask you,"
Minjeong says before pulling away, her slightly swollen eyes staring into the taller one's eyes that filled with concern.

Before she could speak, "Minjeong!" A voice said in a slight distance. They both turned to the voice, there stood a girl who was just kissing another.

Karina heard a shaky sigh from the smaller woman, exchanging looks before Minjeong spoke, "I have to go, I'm sorry." She spoke softly before walking towards the other woman.


"Winter has a girlfriend?!" Giselle shouted, causing people to look at them in the coffee shop that they were in.

Ningning looked at her girlfriend beside her, patting her hand as she stared at Karina in shock.

That was also her thought when she had found out.

"Sorry I didn't tell you sooner, sweetheart. It completely slipped my mind." Ningning said to her lover who was completely flabbergasted.

"Not only that but her girlfriend was cheating on her. Will she stay with her, ningning?" Karina asked to the girl who say across from her.

The younger one was suddenly quiet. She lets out a hesitant sigh before nodding her head, "mostly likely. Her girlfriend is really abusive, no matter how many times she tries to leave her it won't work." The black haired sighed before she continued, "I've tried telling Minjeong to call the police on Ryujin but she keeps declining." Ningning says with a frown.

Suddenly all Karina's thoughts were filled with anger and rage. She shot up from the table, "do they live together?" She asked with a straight face. The two lover's exchanged looks confusingly from looking back up at Karina.

Ningning nodded slowly. "Send me the address please." Karina said sternly.

"You bitch! How dare you try to leave me again? Are you trying to break my heart?!" A slap went across Minjeong's face, causing her to drop to the floor and hold back from coughing out the blood from the tenth slap.

"You should be thankful I love you. Or you would've been dead by now." Ryujin said as she looked down at the teary eyed girl on the floor.

Her cheek was swollen red and her hair was a mess from Ryujin's previous grabs.

Is this what love really is?
Minjeong had thought, her eyesight was blurry, her lover's feet that stood in front of her was also a blur to her as well.


Ryujin turned to the door that someone had knocked on it angrily. The pink haired one was already furious. "Who the hell is knocking at my door?!" She shouted before looking at the girl on the floor who laid there helplessly.
"Don't move an inch, I'm not done with you." She said before heading to the front door.

She unlocked the locks quickly, swinging the door open just to be greeted with a punch to her face.

She slid down on the ground and held her nose where the person had hit.

"What the hell?!" Ryujin shouted, looking up at the person who seemed somewhat familiar, like she's only seen her once but her face was impossible to forget.

"This is what you get for hurting my Winter, you bitch." Soon as those words came out of the girl's mouth, she planted another hard punch on Ryujin and she was soon knocked out.


Minjeong's body laid against the edge of the bed weakly, her eyes were slightly open and her eyes were about to close.

"Minjeong? Minjeong!" A voice said in the distance, running towards her and then crouching in front of her.

The girl sat there helplessly, trying to adjust to the face as the blurry vision slowly took over. "Karina?" She spoke, Karina froze. Did she really remember her?

Karina calmed down soonly as she heard Winter say her name once again. She formed a soft smile and nodded, "it's okay, I'm here now. You can sleep." She says before picking up the smaller.

Cops rush in to arrest the girl who had woken up but Karina paid her no mind and she carried Minjeong out of the house.

She soon was placed in her passenger seat gently, the girl peacefully sleeping. Karina's heart hurt a bit once she saw Minjeong's bruised face. Rubbing her cheek softly before she shut the passenger door and went to the driver door and opened it, shutting it as she started the car.

"I won't let anyone hurt you ever again," Karina whispered softly before she drove away from Minjeong's house that cop cars had covered.


AUTHORS NOTE: To cancel confusion from the last chapter, Ningning only comes to Minjeong's house when Ryujin isn't there.
But thank you for reading this chapter, please look forward to the next !

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