Last Day I can Properly See Yu

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"They've decided to put her down."


"Her parents.. They said they couldn't afford the payment so they'll have to put her down." 

"What? They can't do that! What will she do when she wakes up? I have a job! I can help them pay, please. Don't do this to me.. Yunjin, they aren't really going to do this are they?" Winter turned to the orange haired doctor to her side, her gaze looking at the brunette but not a single hint of hope was found in her eyes. "Im afraid they are going to, winter.." she spoke, placing a gentle hand on her back.

"It's been almost two years. We can't keep waiting." A male doctor spoke in front of the two, not a hint of  sincerity in his tone. "Do you just give up on patients like this?! This is fucking bullshit!" Winter yelled, slamming her fists down on the hospital lobby table, a few looks going her way. 

"Miss, I understand you're upset but her health hasn't gotten any better these past days, it's best if we just let her rest completely." He spoke, putting his hands in his coat pockets. 

Why was her life getting worse? Had it all official crumbled down the very first day Karina fell into the coma? It seemed like she truly hadn't felt pain until the past 1425 days. Walking along the snow didn't feel pleasing anymore since there was none she could look forward to go home to. Cutting out paper hearts were basically meaningless if the older one would never even see them anyway. But somehow she hoped the room of paper hearts would make Karina appreciate her a bit more. Maybe even convince herself to wake up if she had tried hard enough. But the dark haired girl who laid in that hospital room would now be officially dead soon. Dead.

"When will it be?" Winter asked after a few moments of silence. She didn't want to cry, not yet. She's cried too much over Karina the past year but she knew Karina didn't like to see the tears fall out of Winter's eyes if they weren't happy ones. "A week is the best decision." The male doctor spoke. Winter had never felt worse, not even seeing Karina be in a coma was worst than this. 


"My love, good morning." Winter spoke, sliding the door open, the paper hearts shining out the room, both of the doctors that hadn't been in here often slightly shocked once they stepped in the room with Winter, standing by the door respectfully. It had been the first day visit after knowing that Karina would be put down although she had got the news four days ago. She could hardly even bring herself to the hospital, not wanting to see the wires that had been removed from the girl's arm and the oxygen mask was no longer there. Karina's pale face was there. 

The brunette slid the door shut behind her, sitting down on a chair beside the one who laid still. "You'll finally get to rest." Winter said with a weak smile, unable to really say the word death to the one who can still hear her.

"You rest tomorrow  love. Are you happy?" There was silence, of course there was. Karina's chest had moved up and down very slowly, seeming like she was short on air. "I'm not happy. I wish you could be here with me." Winter said before holding Karina's thin hand, smoothing it with warmness. 

Dread began to sink into the pit of her stomach as she looked at Karina. This would be the last day she was able to sit by her side like this; the last time she'd ever see her lay on this bed. She never really thought the day would come even though life had given her countless hints.  

She could hardly believe it; this would be the last day she'll ever see her. 

As selfish as she was she thought that she could freeze time, capture the moment of Karina. Maybe even have a picture. But if she had one wouldn't she miss the older one more? She could never forgive herself for never knowing how much she had been struggling. 

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