short prologue

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pov of Chishiya

What else was I to do? I did games so my visa was good for seven more days and all I did nowadays was talk to Kuina and lay in my bed thinking of my old life in the real world. I had to survive these games so I could see Y/N again, she was the only person I wanted to see. She was the only woman for me and I just left her behind in the real world, she was a kind soul and always wanted me beside her. Her ways of showing affection was quality time and physical touch, basically the opposite of me but as our relationship started I slowly grew accustomed to it and started to enjoy it.

So to stop my mind from missing her, I took Hatters's offer to go into the meeting room with some executives to solve a riddle, he said I was good at games and seemed to be quite clever so he wanted me to help any way I could.

The meeting room was cold as ice and the air was stiff and still, everyone looked at me when I entered. At the table was Ann, Niragi, Aguni, Last Boss, Mahiru and Mira.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Niragi scoffed, I simply nodded my head to him and walked to the table, quite amused that just my presence got him so angry.

"Chishiya will help us out greatly. So please, take a seat." Hatter smiled and I sad down at the only empty chair which was between Aguni and Ann. Hatter put a two-way radio in the centre of the table with a soft thunk, showing he was clearly annoyed but not wanting to show it. "Does anyone want to get Chishiya caught up before they communicate with us?"

"There is a group of people who we want at The Beach, they are very smart and skilled. Every game we do they mock us and taunt us for not catching them stealing our physical cards. Eventually a man came up to us and said they wanted to communicate every two days at 9pm, so far all three days they've radioed in at exactly 9pm. They still annoy us by taunting us that they will never come to The Beach but we are determined to get them here and give us their cards, especially the ones we are missing." Ann sighed.

I nodded. "Do we know their names or how many?"

"Six of them, the man we assume to be the leader since he is the only one that talks every conversation is called Yuta. We only know there are six because we heard six different voices over the radio one night, the only other name we know is Haruto who gave us the radio." Aguni explained.

Niragi was about to speak when the radio produced a voice.

"Hello Hatter, how are you?"

The Hatter sighed and told everyone to be quiet while he picked up the radio. "I'm fine, nice to hear from you Yuta."


"What are you doing?"

"Just relaxing, I was going to forget about this radio to play a game but decided I still have 10 days on my visa so I can relax for another night. You?"

"I'm surrounded by my executives, we are all very interested in your group. Can you introduce yourself to them?"

"Hello executives, my name is Yuta, I am 31 years old and have been in this world for two months. Now you introduced yourselves."

Hatter was about to protest when a female voice spoke.

"We already know them all. Mahiru, Mira, Aguni, Niragi, Last Boss, Ann, and you. But what my friend just let me know is there is a new guy at your table, some guy with blonde-ish silver hair."

"How do you know us?" Niragi asked stealing the radio from Hatter.

"We have some friends watching you right now, they are watching you right now."

They all looked around and Yuta just laughed on the other side of the radio.

"So will the new guy talk to us or will we have to do some research?"

Hatter stole the radio back and passed it to me. Aguni advised me to get as much information out of them for the next minute because they only talked to us for a few minutes until they felt like it.

"Hello Yuta." I said.

"Hello, who am I talking to? May I know your name?"

"My name is Chishiya."

"Chishiya... how lovely of a name. You seem trustworthy." It was like he had a revelation or epiphany.

"I am, so-"

"Sorry but I must go Chishiya, it was lovely talking to you but I am tired already. Say goodbye to Hatter for me, we will possibly see you tomorrow night. It's game night for three of us."

"What are their names?" I quickly asked.

"Curious are we?"

"Very, you seem intelligent." I shrugged, just trying to please his overconfident tone and personality.

"Well Haruto will go to a game tomorrow, but also two girls will go with him. Maybe you will see them. I truly hope we get to meet your group soon. Goodbye Chishiya."

And with that the radio went dead silent. I gave the phone up to Hatter and he groaned and held the edge of the table in anger and annoyance.

"We will find them, everyone will go to games tomorrow in groups so we can possibly overpower them if needed. Be ready and look for anything suspicious."

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