ch 9: introducing kenji

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pov of Chishiya

It's been two days, Y/N hasn't even looked at me. Whenever I find us close in proximity, she finds a way to weasel out of my grasp. I need to talk to her, I feel like I'm going crazy without her. 

It was a stupid idea to tell her after such a beautiful night, but I would've kept putting it off if I didn't tell her when I remembered. I've never felt like such an idiot. I cheated on the most perfect girl in the world because of our schedule conflicts; then I told her about the affair after an amazing night together and just somehow expected things to be okay.

But I knew her visa was almost out of days, I worried that she would be unwilling to try at games, but then I saw her and Yuki get dropped off by Aguni's car at a tunnel, so if she wouldn't live for me anymore... she'd live for Yuki.

I got to my game and everyone who had high enough status like executives and Y/N's group used a two-way radio to tell everyone when there game would be over and the difficulty. But the only one I was concerned about what Y/N's, so I waited for her or Yuki's voice to come through the small radio.

"Four of Clubs, 120 minutes."

Yuki's voice sighed and we all cut out of the channel. We had to focus on our own games in order to survive, and even though Y/N was probably no longer mine... I wanted to live just to see her again even if I wasn't in the picture of her life anymore.


After two hours we were all waiting outside the tunnel in cars to wait for Y/N and Yuki to come out, the only thing that worried me was the wet asphalt and concrete that was outside the tunnel. 

"What if they're not okay?" Yuta sighed.

"They're fine Yuta." Aria snapped.

"He's right Aria, I had a bad feeling about this game coming from a tunnel." Haruto mumbled.

She rolled her eyes and started walking into the tunnel. Yuta, Haruto, and Riki followed her and tried to stop her. Kuina and I ended up following and eventually a few feet before a corner we heard laughter. 

"You're an idiot, Kenji." Y/N's gorgeous voice graced our ears and I felt a wave of relief come over me, she was alive. She was laughing too, that made it better too because she was clearly alive and well. 

"Y/N, why are you bleeding?"" Yuki's voice rang.

"Me and Shoto raced a panther and-"



"FUCK YOU!" A male voice yelled and we turned the corner to see Yuki, Y/N, and another guy standing on a bus that was on its side. "JUST GET ME OUT OF HERE!" It was not the guy who was standing with Yuki behind Y/N, his mouth didn't move. 

"Kenji, I have no idea what you want me to do. Your arm is pinned under the gas petal which is weighed down by the entire front of this bus." Y/N sighed. "I'm your friend, I wouldn't just leave you here unless absolutely necessary after tiring all other options."

I got closer and when our giant group was spotted, the other guy jumped off the bus carefully and helped Yuki down. Yuki walked over to us and Yuta hugged her. 

"Guys this was one of my friends from the real world, this is Shoto. He works with me at the daycare." She introduced and the guy just waved. Y/N got back into the bus and we heard them talking a little bit as it echoed not only through the tunnel but the metal skeleton of the bus.  "And the idiots in the bus are Y/N and her friend from the real world, Kenji. They work together at the hospital."

I can't tell why but I tensed up at the idea of her having a friend from the real world here, maybe it'd take her less time to forget me especially since it was a male who worked with her. I would never admit jealousy to her, but I think that's what I was feeling, I couldn't tell because I've never felt this strong of a emotion for someone I didn't know; not counting how I basically fell in love with Y/N the second I laid eyes on her at the cafe. 

"Let me help." Yuta said and Shoto led him to the the bus and helped him up and in through the door. 

After five minutes we heard a cheer of victory and soon I saw Y/N get pushed up and she got into the side of the bus, a male I guessed was Kenji was next, and then Yuta just pulled himself up. God he was jacked.

Yuta and Kenji jumped off and helped Y/N down by holding her waist, she had two long scratches that looked rather deep in her thigh, a third one only at the bottom of the two about two thirds shorter than the others. Kenji had an arm around her waist as she limped over to us, a well covered look of pain on her face but when you've been dating her for four years you learn the masks she will put on in different situations.

"Damn, your leg somehow looks worse." Shoto laughed and Y/N scoffed jokingly and flipped him off.

"Hey, if you didn't tell me to hide behind that car I wouldn't have this." She laughed motioning to her injured leg. "But I have to admit it would be way worse, like I would've died, if Kenji and Yuki didn't get it's attention away from me so I could run."

"You could run from a panther but can barely walk now?" Kenji teased and Y/N pushed him away and almost knocked herself over but Yuki caught her.

"You would run like a maniac if a fucking panther was after you, you wouldn't just limp away like you're giving up, plus they aren't that deep." Y/N shrugged and looked up to Kenji who was looking somewhere else. "You're bleeding, Kenji."

"What?" He snapped back to her and she turned his head and started to look to the back of his head and gently moved his hair around. 

"You have a few small pieces of glass stuck near the base of your neck. I can get them out if you take me wherever you guys are staying." Y/N offered.

Kenji just nodded but Niragi stepped through us and looked to Kenji, then Shoto, then Kenji again, the mischief in the air was so thick no one felt safe. "Why don't they join us at the beach?"

"Let them leave Niragi, not everyone wants to go to the beach." Yuki said and he slowly looked over at her. "Just leave them alone, besides we don't even have the card yet."

"Did you just tell me what to do?"

"Yes, she did." Y/N spoke up. Everyone was shocked as she has barely looked Niragi in the eye since she was released from that room the day her friends agreed to come to the beach. "She told you to leave them alone."

Niragi pointed his gun towards Y/N when he was still facing Yuki. Kenji grabbed the barrel of the rifle and pushed it away. Niragi was shocked and whipped his head over towards Y/N and Kenji's direction.

"You cannot threaten me and my friends with some pussy-ass rifle. I come from a long line of military men, my days as a marine taught me how to tell who is a threat and who isn't. From what Y/N and Yuki tell me, you are no threat to me and I will protect my friends from bitches who think the have power." Kenji stated seriously.

Y/N chuckled lightly but Niragi had no time to snap-back when we heard The Hatter's voice behind us.

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