ch 1: a game of tag

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pov of Y/N

"Have fun at the game." Yuki smiled and dropped us off at an apartment complex that seemed to be a game centre. "Remember to always be on the lookout and protect each other, The Beach idiots will probably be here looking for you."

"Got it, Yuki!" I smiled and we waved bye as we walked up to the game centre to get our devices. She got the old car going again and drove away. I looked at Haruto and Aria when our facial recognition was done, we talked until more people came so we split up and went into introvert mode to protect the others since Yuta revealed Haruto would be with two girls at the game today.

The game started quickly, a game of tag for a five of spades. Easy enough.

So I went to the top floor and waited for the game to start. I had my hood up on my grey zip-up and kept my head down as we all spread out throughout the complex.

My face was always Chishiya's favourite part of me, he always told me he felt calmer when he saw me or even heard me speak. He always knew how to falter me and make me blush. I missed him, we had an argument the day everyone disappeared for me and unfortunately he disappeared too. I never got to apologize for yelling at him, I might never get that chance.

It was harder to sleep without him, his arms always made me feel safe and secure but now that warmth was fading in my memory. Just the idea of being held in his arms felt foreign and that feeling scared me more than I showed.

We had been dating for three years but the last year became rocky, I didn't know why he was just so annoyed at times when I needed him to support me during my first year as an intern at the hospital on the opposite side of the city than him. So I didn't see him often we both worked late or early and our schedules barely matched up, maybe he was just missing me as much as I missed him.

I heard steps from behind me and I turned around incase they had let in a second tagger, I had my eyes on the other one. We both froze when our eyes locked, I could never forget those addictive cat eyes or really any feature of his face. I didn't even speak before my body gave into his warmth and I quickly hugged him tight.

Chishiya immediately locked his arms around me and I didn't realize I was crying until he started to rub my back and softly calm me down. "Don't cry, baby, please. You're okay, I'm here." He exhaled and I looked up at him.

"I'm so sorry for yelling at you, I was just missing you but-"

"Y/N, it's okay." He sighed. "Let's talk more after the game, but we have two minutes left and need to find the room."

I nodded and looked over the edge. "That door, the tagger fires a few rounds into it, yet doesn't do that with any other door when people try to open it. There has to be something behind it or the tagger wouldn't have made that big of a deal about trying to open a locked door."

"Let's head down then." He said and I nodded, we both started walking down the stairs and once we got to the room, which a person was already in, we heard metal hit the ground and looked to see the Tagger reloading.

"Go into the room, I'll distract the tagger." I said and he looked at me with confusion. "We were right about the door now go!"

Surprisingly the tagger followed me instead of Chishiya, it wasn't until seconds later when I heard more rounds go off that I realized there was another tagger and that was why. I cursed to myself but realized I lost the tagger, I looked back around the corner to see the Aguni guy from The Beach beating the tagger nearly senseless.

I took it as my leave and ran to the room.

"Game Complete."

I just entered the room to see Chishiya standing in the doorway as two others laid on the floor out of breath. The second tagger sat up and I looked away as the collar beeped down until their head exploded.

"You can open your eyes now." Chishiya hummed and I looked to see blood splattered around the room and a dead body in front of us.

"I shouldn't have opened them."


When we were the last ones in the room I looked at him. "Where are you staying?"

"I'm staying with a few others I cleared games with. What about you?" I asked

"The Beach, you should come with me back there-"

"No, The Beach and Yuta don't get along. I can't, they hate us, they tried to kidnap Yuta once and would've succeeded if he didn't get into the game. They'd kill us for mocking and taunting them, Hatter would have our heads. Aguni and the martial goons are always after us." I panicked.

"I will protect you, please come back with me." He sighed.

"I seriously can't Chishiya." We heard my name being called from outside, it was Aria. "I have to go."

"Then let us meet somewhere, I need to talk with you again, the last time we spoke it was an argument." He suggested.

I thought for a second before I suggested the rooftop of an apartment complex where me and my friends would hang out when all our visas were filled quite high and we could relax or at least somewhat relax in a world where we have to complete games to extend our life by days.

He agreed to meet me there since it was almost exactly between our two home locations. Before I left he grabbed my head and pulled me back to him. We were chest to chest and he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I need you to know that I am sorry for not being with you, I love you so much, Y/N."

"I love you too Chishiya." I smiled and kissed him on the lips. His one hand that tucked hair behind my ear rested on my neck and held me close. I smiled slightly as he pulled away, all I wanted to do was kiss him for hours to make up for lost time but Aria started to call me again.

"Meet me tomorrow night on that rooftop at 8pm, we can talk more there but not here. I need to go to Aria." I said and he nodded. He gave me a final kiss on the lips and I left with that.

I went down to Aria and Haruto, they asked me why I looked happy. I simply said it was because we won the game and got five more days to our visas. With one final look back at the apartment complex, I saw Chishiya walking away while giving me a final look as well.

Once we arrived back at our place Aria pulled me aside. "Was it that guy you were with? You know only one person can leave at a time right? You shouldn't start a relationship you know isn't going to end well-"

"I know Aria, but that was my boyfriend from the real world. That was Chishiya." I explained and she sighed.

"It's your mind again Y/N-"

"No Aria I swear! It was him, he knew me and told me he was sorry and that he loved me. I'm not crazy, this isn't another one of my dreams." I kept talking to her till she stopped me.

"I believe you, but be careful about people who live at The Beach. We can't trust them just yet."

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