ch 5: burnt

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When we entered The Beach Yuki and I immediately went to our friends room to let them know we both made it out okay. They were glad and offered us a drink, but I just had to talk to Chishiya first. He was too quiet when I revealed my foster home past, something I rarely talked about with him alone.

"Actually I just want to go talk to Chishiya, thank him for taking care of me and maybe talk to him since he's a doctor." I semi-lied and they said they'd be in the room for the rest of the night and most likely for the majority of tomorrow since they still had days on their visa.

I began the walk to Chishiya's room, he described the path to me one night when everyone but us was asleep. I never walked it before but I knew from the details and directions he gave me that I was almost there.

I looked at the door number and saw the number only 11 doors from Chishiya's room. As I started to walk again, I ran into someone chest but I knew who it was because of his skunk spray cologne.

"Where you headin' babydoll?" Niragi asked and I backed up slightly. I didn't talk to him but just tried to find a way around him or any way to not get cornered by him. But he seemed too amused. "I heard your pretty voice, why won't you talk to me?" He pouted. Niragi then placed a hand on my shoulder and toyed with my bikini strap. "Y'know, you were really smart in that game earlier. There was something so alluring about it, something so... sexy about it." He licked his vile lips and I panicked.

"Thank you but I really should go find my friends. So please just leave me alone, Niragi." I said and walked past him, which he surprisingly let me do.

His final words to me were. "You know you liked it."

"Fucking doubt it." I mumbled to myself and walked around the corner, I peaked back over to see he was gone and walked back a few doors from where I originally was and knocked the wooden door that was decorated with his room number.

He opened the door and I stood awkwardly as he took in my appearance. I quickly pulled up my bikini strap that fell down and the other one that Niragi pulled down. "Can I come in?"

He stepped to the side and let me walk in before shutting the door behind me.

"I just wanted to thank you for helping me get better the day my friends came to The Beach." I said shyly, embarrassed from my situation minutes earlier.

"Why are you speaking so quietly? It's just us." He exhaled and walked closer to me, lifting my chin up with his one hand to meet his eyes with mine. "Speak up."

"Thank you for helping me get better."

"It's my job as a doctor." He sighed. "And as your boyfriend."

I nodded and smiled weakly at him, my hands fidgeting with each other as I didn't know where to put them just yet.

"Because you're my girlfriend... you're loyal to me, aren't you?"

I looked at him, baffled. "Of course Shiya!"

"Good, my girlfriend. Mine." He said as he slowly leaned in closer to me. I let my eyes close for impact but his lips never touched mine. I opened my eyes again to see him smirking to himself.

"You have a superiority complex." I blushed.

"Sure I do, but you love me anyways." He smirked and placed a kiss on my forehead. I smiled at the heart-warming and rather pure display of affection.

"I do love you." I smiled and and looked up at him.

"I know you do." He kissed my nose. "You never fail to remind me." He kissed my cupids bow. "I don't think I will ever forget." He finally kissed my lips.

I let myself melt as his hands slid down to my own and lifted mine to wrap around his neck before setting his back on my waist. I let myself get taken away by the kiss and soon he was sat down on the edge of his bed and I straddled his waist. But after another minute I pulled away and laid my head on his shoulder, letting my breath fan his neck.

"I love you too, by the way." He exhaled in content and I smiled.

"I didn't doubt it." I responded.

"So you were a foster child." He teased and I hid my face in the crook of his neck.

"Don't be mad at me." I grumbled and he sighed wrapping his arms around me tighter so I was closer.

"It's your choice what to tell, when to tell, and who you tell it to. I'm not mad, not even a little, just... more interested in your backstory now."

I chuckled and took my head to face him and kissed his lips once very lightly and a little longer than a peck. "I'll tell you anything and everything if you want."

He exhaled and I moved my hand to see the slight burn marking on it. "I nearly forgot you burned your hand, give me it." He insisted and I stood up so he could too. He grabbed my unharmed hand to lead me over to the bathroom. I sat down on the counter and he stood between my legs as he opened a package of gauze and pulled out an almost empty tube of Polysporin.

I gave him my hand with my palm face up. He inspected the burn before huffing.

"Almost second degree, you'll survive." He joked with a playful smile quirking up the corners of his mouth.

"Luckily I'm in good hands." I teased and he looked up at me before rolling his eyes jokingly.

"So, you said you'll tell me anything and everything?"

"Of course."

"Why did your parents give you up? You are bright and beautiful and capable of everything you put your mind to. I just can't wrap my head around the idea of no one wanting you."

I exhaled and looked down at him applying Polysporin to my burn. I hissed at the slight pressure he used rubbing it around the burned area. "They didn't give me up. They died."

He froze and inhaled before asking his next question. "How?"

"House fire. It was the hottest day in 30 years and my older brother took me out for ice cream. We saw firetrucks pass us and he made a joke they were headed to our house. We turned onto our street and saw they really were in front of our house. I remember crying at the idea of my parents being hurt. When they came out, my brother had to identify their bodies. They were burnt so bad. The people we were renting the house from said it was a gas leak when we asked at the police station. Days after court ended my brother gave up legal custody of me since he was 18 and technically my guardian. I cried for my brother as they fought me into the back of a black SUV and he watched as I fought to be with him, but he just didn't want me. So I was put into an orphanage and then six foster families. I don't remember much of my family before that day. My parents were far away from their own families so I never knew an aunt or uncle, grandparent or cousin even. I just remember being happy with them, and that's how I think I should remember them... not the people they were burnt so bad they were unidentifiable and a person who gave up custody of their 5 year old sister."

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