~ch 2: stargazing

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The next day came and all I could think about was the nighttime coming. I would finally be able to talk to him again like old times. I pretended the whole day that I was just being normal and not insanely giddy like a school-girl. After supper was all I was waiting for, and it came faster than I thought.

Soon it was 7:43pm and I was waiting on the rooftop just watching the sunset and the stars start to shine in the darkness. On the rooftop there was an old couch, two arm chairs, and a few stools for us all to sit on. I was just laying on the couch when I heard the door open and close, it was a heavy metal door so no one could sneak up without me knowing.

I sat up and looked to the door to see Chishiya walking over.

"Hello." He hummed.

"Hey." I smiled and he sat down on the couch beside me. He lifted his arm and I tucked under it as I laid against his side, my head against his chest. "How are you?"

"Very good, definitely very good." I looked up at his response and he leaned in to kiss me, I obviously didn't stop him so I responded to his lips and he hummed against them in approval.

Eventually I suggested we watch the stars and we laid down with him spooning me and we just talked for a good while about why we argued and ended it by just apologizing to each other.

After a few minutes of silence, I turned to look over my shoulder at him but he was already looking at me, I smiled at him but he looked at me with such intense love it made me worried. He's never looked at me like that before. Chishiya then shifted so he was leaned on his forearm and used the other to wrap around my jaw and turn my face a bit further towards him. He then kissed me slowly with sensuality and love.

I kissed him back with as much love I can muster and he feels it, I could tell because he then used his thumb to part my lips and slip his tongue deep into my mouth. He groaned at the feeling of my tongue massaging his because I responded so fast. His tongue just moved so expertly, he knew every way to make me tremble and he was doing just that.

His hand slowly sneaking down my sweats and resting heavily on the inside of my thighs and massaging the soft and sensitive skin. I squeezed my legs together for friction to cure that aching in between them, but Chishiya obviously noticed and kept shifting his hand upwards until it cupped my pussy and I felt two fingers pull my panties to the side.

"Shiya." I begged and he took his hand away slightly but I grabbed his hand and left it where it was, hoping he'd start again.

"Would you rather have my fingers or my dick? Because we have to make this fast since I should get back to The Beach soon."

"Please Shiya, just do something to make me cum." I begged against his lips and he groaned into my mouth as he gave my mouth one last goodbye kiss before looking into my eyes and using the hand in my sweats to pressed my thigh to subtly guide me to turn onto my back. I did as he wanted and he now hovered over me, his head dipped down to my neck and began to kiss at my jaw first but slowly ghosted his lips over my skin to my collarbone when he nipped at the skin making my gasp at the painful pleasure of that act. His hand in my pants slipped up over my panties just to go under them and rub figure eights around my clit.

"You're already soaking wet, baby." He teased and I blushed at his comment. My blush turned more red as I let out a small moan as the tips of two fingers teasing and dipping slightly into my cunt.

"Baby, please don't tease me."

"Foreplay darling~"

"I don't need any preparing. Don't you feel how much I need you? How wet I am all for you? Only you can do this to me, Shiya. Please just fuck me."

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