Praise This (Chloe Bailey)

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A/n anotha request from gng aka uhhgvgcx

Request: can you do a Chloe Bailey one where instead of quavo in praise this it's reader and Chloe has a crush on reader and they get closer do to the movie and flirting in interviews and stuff and start dating irl?

"My lord, that muthafucka is so fine." Chloe says to Anjelika. The dark skin woman raises an eyebrow, "Y/n? You fruity?" She jokes. Chloe fans herself, "Baby, I like what I like and Ms. Chloe Bailey likes what she sees right there." She says, pointing as you actively vibed with and listened to an over-hyper Loren Lott. Anjelika tilts her head, "Don't she have hoes?" She asks. Chloe bites her lip, "I will be a hoe for h-" "Ok, I've heard enough!" The darker skin woman says while laughing.

Chloe raises an eyebrow, "You laughin, I'm so serious!" She says, starting to laugh with the woman. Anjelika shakes her head, "That's why it's funny." She points out earning a nod from the taller woman. Just then, you looked in Chloe's direction before winking slightly. Chloe fans herself again, "I need some water, is it hot in here?" She asks before walking off. You smirked slightly before going back to paying attention to Loren a/n just kno, she gettin a one-shot too

"You're cute." Chloe says with a smirk. You rose your hands and looked at the camera with a grin, "I meann... I gotta be if Ms. Chloe Bailey says it!" You laughed out making the lighter skin girl laugh as well, "I take it back, n*gga, you're corny." Chloe says making your jaw drop, "Nah nah, you already said it you can't take it back! No take backs, ma'am!" You state. Chloe scoffs, "Try me, bae." She says, leaning back a little with her legs crossed a little tightly. You sucked your teeth,"Ouu, see this why ion f*ck wit Cancers." You joked.

Chloe raises an eyebrow, "B*tch, f*ck you." You laughed loudly in response, "This why I don't f*ck with (y/z)." Chloe giggles, "Why f*ck wimme, when you can f*ck on me?" You question. Chloe raises her finger to her mouth, "Shh, keep this pg." She says with a playful side eye. You covered your mouth, trying to prevent yourself from laughing again. To be honest, when your manager said you were going to be on a movie with Chloe Bailey, you nearly had a mini heart attack. Chloe Bailey had to be one of the finest women you had ever laid eyes on and her personality made her ten times better. Now here you were, doing an interview with her,

"Why you tease me, Ms. Bailey?" You asked, leaning back in your chair. Chloe shrugs, "You know you like it." She says in a seductive voice. You playfully fanned yourself, Yes the FUCK I do... You mentally commented, "We're getting off track, what even was the question?" You laughed out for the millionth time. After the interview, Chloe went back to her trailer making you sigh in relief.

If you had been in the same vicinity with Chloe for another minute, you might have folded. It's like the woman knows she's fine and you weren't ashamed to admit you had a decent size crush on her. You usually don't like a lot of women because... well, you're 21. A lot of the women your age are immature and don't know how to handle you or situations but Ms. Chloe Bailey? You could tell she wasn't one to be played with or just to play in general. Thick in all the right places, nearly 5 years older than you and knew how to put you in your place real quick.

You wanted to ask her out, but you couldn't help but have the impending thought of her curving you. Mainly because of your age, also because of the fact that your technically a girl, despite the extra appendage you had. Loren bounces on her toes beside you making you smile slightly. The woman was adorable, "So, you and Chloe?" She asks teasingly. You smirked, "Mannn, it's not even like that." You muttered. Loren hums, "I say ask her out. Y'all was flirtin mad hard." She points out.

You tapped your chin, "I might. How you think I should approach her?" You questioned. Loren shrugs, "Like you'd approach any other woman. Let her know your intentions. If she with it, she with it. If she not, come my way." She semi jokes making you laugh, "Ima keep that in mind." You winked making Loren wave you off and walk away. You took a deep breath and walked up to Chloe's trailer door. You gently knocked on the door. You heard a faint come in. You opened the door to see Chloe sitting in front of her mirror looking down at her phone. When she looked up, her dark brown eyes instantly made contact with your (e/c) making your breath hitch a bit,

"Room service." You found yourself say jokingly. This made Chloe crack a smile, "What you want, Y/n?" She asks, watching as you closed the door. You shrugged, "Is it wrong to come and bother a fellow cast mate?" You asked, sitting down on the couch right behind Chloe. You felt yourself get a little nervous seeing the lighter skin girl turn her chair around and stand up. Chloe takes a seat by you.

Directly by you.

Like close as fuck,

"I don't see you going to bother any of your other cast mates." Chloe says. You leaned closer to her, almost being directly in the shorter woman's face, "I'm hurt, I bother you, Ms. Bailey?" You asked, feigning being hurt. Chloe blinks before flashing an unreadable expression. She gently places a hand on your shoulder, trailing down to your slightly muscular arm before letting her hand move to rest on your inner thigh, "You very much do. And stop callin me Ms. Bailey." Chloe finally speaks up.

You look her directly in her eyes, "Well, Ms. Bailey..." You angled your body enough to place your hand on the back of the couch before leaning in close, your lips ghosting over Chloe's, "I can guarantee you, if you don't move your hand from my thigh, yo pretty ass makeup gon be runnin down your face." You heard Chloe's breath hitch at your statement making you smirk. Before you could say anything else, you heard Chloe let out an amused giggle, "You gon make my makeup run, lil daddy?" Your jaw clenched at the taunting nickname, "Mm, don't like that nickname, do you?" Chloe asks, moving her hand from your thigh to your cheek,

"You gon have to take me on a date before you ever get to see that side of me." She states. You nodded and looked away, "Mm, what if I ask you on one right now? Not on no ruin yo makeup type shit." You mumbled. Chloe raises an eyebrow, "Was that the reason your young ass came into my trailer?" She asks, moving away from you a bit. You sucked your teeth after hearing her giggle, "Maybe." You mutter embarrassingly.

Chloe tilts her head with raised eyebrows, "Nah nah, where was all that big talk at?" She laughs out, "Now yo ass wanna be embarrassed, speak wit yo chest." Chloe says. You blew a breath before laughing as well, giving Chloe a good view of your bottom grill, "Ms. Bailey, will you go on a date with me?" You asked, turning your head to look at her. Chloe stands up and goes back to sit in her chair, "Mm, I'll think about it." You looked down with a slight smile,

"You'll think about it?" You asked with a raised eyebrow. Chloe leans back in her seat, "I said what I said... Lemme make sure my schedule free." She states gently. You crossed your arms, "Really, Chloe?" You asked. Chloe shrugs, "I'm a busy woman, L/n." She says. You nodded and looked away, your pride a little blown that she curved you. After a few beats of silence, the lighter skin woman speaks up,  "I go on this date with you, so help me god, them little hoes? Better be cut off immediately." You felt a smile make its way onto your face, "Already done, Ms. Bailey."

Chloe makes a face, "Nigga, please. It's bad enough I'm five years older den yo ass, drop that Ms. Bailey shit. I keep forgetting you still a baby." She jokes quietly. You smirked, "Mhm, if I'm such a baby, den pop one." Chloe's jaw slacked, "You nasty fuck." She playful says making you laugh, "But, real shit though... do you actually want to go out with me?" You asked, your expression softening into a serious one.

Chloe nods, "I already told you my answer." She says. You nodded with a smile, "Pick you up at 6 Friday?" You suggested. Chloe nods, "I'll text you. Now, get out of my trailer, lil daddy." She jokes making you buck at her. The older woman bucked back making you playfully run away. When her door was closed, she sighed softly with an excited smile.

a/n YURRRRRR‼️ mos def makin a pt 2 cuz I fw this one frl

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