Just Like Me (Kamillion)

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KaMillion x G!P Reader
(High school AU)

A/n this is actually a snippet of a story Idk if I want to scrap or try and finish it.

Alja lets out an aggravated sigh as she makes her way to the front office. Straight As, never missed a day of school, cheer captain, of course they'd trust her to show the new girl around. Alja pushed her glasses up and shook her head as she opened the door. The attendance lady beams brightly. Alja forced a bright smile, "Hi, Ms. Tanya." She greets back, hugging the lady, "This is the student, she transferred from the islands. Barbados." Alja's eyes widened, "Oh, so... she doesn't know anything about our system?" She asks. The attendance lady nods, "Yes and no. I gave her a brief run down on how we operate. I just need you to show her around today, maybe after school if you want? That's only if you want to, after school is your free time." Alja glances over at the dread head girl who was looking around, seemingly in awe. She looked... good. Real good in Alja's opinion,

"I gotta see, Ms. Tanya. I have cheer so I may have to show her around after that." Alja states earning a nod from Ms. Tanya, "No problem. Have a nice day, be good, youngin." She says to the new girl who raises her head and nods. The new girl stands up making Alja's eyes widen. The girl had to almost be 6 ft while she barely scraped 5'2", "Damn, you're tall." Alja blurts out. The new girl rubs the back of her head with a nervous, lopsided smile. She didn't speak though which peeped Alja's interest,

"Anyways, my name is Alja, I'm gonna be your guide today, ok?" The melanin skin cheerleader says softly. The new girl blinks and nods, "What's your name?" Alja asks. The new girl shoves her hands in her pockets, "Y/n." She says lowly. Alja almost went weak in the knees. Y/N's accent was heavenly, "Cute." Alja says, brushing off her sudden change in body temperature, motioning for Y/n to follow her.

If you heard Alja speak, not directly to you, you would've called her little accent ghetto like the girls at your old school. She had a certain umph in her tone that oddly sounded so good escaping her mouth. The way she spoke so fluidly, she sounded so educated, so proper despite her accent.

Something the girls at your other school weren't.

Alja intrigued you. She seemed like a nice person, she's obviously a cheerleader by the attire, and her smile. God her smile. She had to be the most beautiful girl at this school. And her body. It had to have been handcrafted by god himself. But, of course, you were going to say anything to the girl. You didn't want to scare her off by calling her pretty. She could obviously tell you're gay, if the attire didn't give it off. For all you know, she could be straight and not know how to take a compliment,

"This is the gym right here, we go to that class 5th period, after lunch. Ms. Tanya basically gave us all the same classes besides electives." You nodded wordlessly. Alja looks up at you, "You don't talk much, do you?" She asks. Your hand instantly went to the back of your neck, something you always did when you were nervous, and you shook your head, "Nah." You muttered. Alja nods, "That's ok, at least I know you not annoyin." She jokes making you crack a smile and laugh a little, "I get that a lot." You say in a quiet voice. Alja hums, "You're cute." She says with that signature breathtaking smile. You looked down, feeling your face heat up at the comment, "It should be 3rd period right now, let's go." Alja says, snapping you out of your embarrassing stupor. You nodded and followed behind Alja. Alja glanced back every now and then. You thought it was because she wanted to make sure you didn't get lost, but it was mainly because she wasn't comfortable with people walking behind her like that after prior bad experience.

Alja noticed that you were always looking down at your feet or just around in general. You were so shy, but looked like such a thug. Alja found that cute. Very cute. You looked so small to be so tall. You had a little bit a muscle but rather lanky. Alja could tell you went to the gym a lot. Your hand went to the back of your neck when you caught the shorter girl's gaze, "We here." Alja mutters, feeling her face heat up. You nodded as Alja opened the door.

Class paused and you noticed how the guys and some girls were looking at the young cheerleader. She obviously felt uncomfortable and you didn't like that for some reason. You stood closer to her, eying every dude that looked her way, "Ms. Johnson, this is a new student. She transferred from the islands." Alja says quietly. Ms. Johnson nods, "Ok, dear. You can sit next to Alja near the back." She says earning a nod from the quiet girl.

Alja gently grabs the side of your shirt and  pulls you to the back of the classroom. You sat down in the seat next to her as the teacher continued to teach. Whatever lesson plan they were learning, you didn't know. Alja sensed your confusion from a mile away and placed a hand on your thigh, "Look, it's really simple. We learnin how to factor differences by squares and groupin. You really just tryna find the GCF of the x2 number and the GCF of the other number too... I'll have to explain it a lil better after class." You really weren't focusing on Alja speaking, more so her hand on your thigh.


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