A Date? (Ice Spice)

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Ice Spice x G!P Reader
(Highschool AU)

A/n my ELA teacher would be disappointed asl in me if she seen my Wattpad writing😭

You had came to the conclusion that Isis had to have been the most picked on girl at your school. The girl is undeniably pretty and sweet, hell, she's one of your closest friends at the moment, but she's just picked on. From her hair to the way she looks to the fact that her name is Isis, you felt bad. And every time you threaten to do something, she always shuts you down,

"It's ok, Y/n/n. I'm a big girl, I can stick up for myself."

You looked at how Isis always walked with her head down and mainly kept to herself in school, but out of school with you, she was... happy. Like genuinely happy and it made you happy and made you feel all warm n shit. Her smile was so contagious and her typically shy nature was just adorable.

And you're the only one that gets to see this side of her,

"Isis!" You shouted, running up behind your friend and throwing your arm around her shoulder and pulling her close. Your felt your face heat up as you see that beautiful smile spread across her face, "Hey, Y/n/n." Isis greets softly, kissing your cheek. You let out a laugh, "What you doin when you get home, I?" Isis looks up at you while rubbing her neck, "I'm probably just going to go home and go to sleep, to be honest..." She mutters.

Isis was about 5'6" while you were a good 5'11" and Isis always expressed how she liked the height difference between you two and when you asked her why, she just said,

"I don't know, it just makes me feel safe."

You grabbed Isis by her waist and turned her a little to where she was facing you, "How bout, you go home. Take a nap if you have to and I pick you up at 9 and we go out to... IHOP?" You suggest. Isis tilts her head, "That sounds like a date, Y/n/n. You know that's my favorite spot." She says with a smirk and an eyebrow raise. You laughed, "It's not a date. Unless you want it to be." You jokingly flirted.

Isis shook her head, "Bye, Y/n." She giggles out before walking away from you. You grinned slightly, "Hate to see ha leave but I love watchin ha go." You mumbled and as if Isis could hear what you said, she looked back making you look away.

Maybe you have a tiny crush on Isis.

Not that you'd ever admit it to her, she seemed straight. Maybe she's straight. You didn't know for sure but a pretty girl like Isis is bound to be straight.

Isis glares at her window as she sees you in front of it, waving. Isis huffs and opens her room window, "Thisss... has got to stop, use the damn door like a normal person!" She whisper yells. You laughed, "Pleaseee, doors are for lame niggas, I'm not one of them." You stated, walking up after Isis. The ginger haired girl walks into the bathroom to finish her makeup.

You didn't know why, she didn't need it.

You wrapped your arms around her waist making her instantly relax against you, "Honestly, we would look good together." You blurted out. Isis eyes went wide slightly, "Don't you think so?" You asked lowly. Isis looks up at you and flashes a breath taking smile, "Sooo, this is a date?" She asks making you suck your teeth, "Call it whateva you want, Isis." You laughed slightly. Isis shrugs, "Ima call it a date. Cuz that's what it seems like." She says.

You raised an eyebrow, "I would take you somewhere better than IHOP, lowkey." Isis smirks, "Sooo, this is a pre date?" She asks. You sighed, "Yea, I. Issa Pre date... ima take you onna real one. Dats if... you feelin me like I'm feelin you." Isis's expression softened as she made eye contact with you through the mirror, "I'm feelin you." She says. You wrapped your arms around the shorter girl, leaning down to her height, "You kno you mine now, right?" Isis shuddered a little,


Shorter one-shot, soley because another Ice Spice one-shot is coming up soon sooooo yea😭

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