Ch. 1, Change of paths

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(Hello, this is my first story, so there may be some errors here and there. I hope everyone who finds this story enjoys it. If anyone has any ideas for the plot, then plz don't hesitate to share. Enjoy!
Also, read with caution.)


I have spent most of my life at Gravesfield orphanage, and it has been hell. I never truly understood why my parents got rid of me. I've never even seen them before. The only thing I even had from them was the baby blanket I was left with when dropped off at the orphanage.

Now this orphanage wasn't the kind you read in books where everyone is 'family.' Instead it was one where no one actually cared what happened to you. Rather you got adopted or not, or even if you starved or got into deadly fights. Growing up you had to make sure if you wanted to eat, you either had to hide your food, or you had to scarf it down as fast as possible before it was stolen. Everything counted on how you survived.

It took me most of my time there to actually get stronger and become the most feared person there. I wasn't always like this tho. I use to love trying to make friends with everyone around me, and I loved reading. Especially 'The Good Witch Azura' books. But if I wanted to survive, I couldn't show any weakness.

It was my sixteenth birthday, and I hated it. Because that just meant even more people will try to put dominance over me. I got up and made sure I had my red baseball bat with me everywhere I went. Effortunitely, since everyone feared me, I was able to get first dibs on breakfast. But when I tell you it took less then a minute for someone to throw a punch at me, I mean it.

As I turn to walk towards the table I always sat at, I see someone's fist in the corner of my eye. Fortunately, I notice it too late and I was punched hard in the eye. As my red beanie and my food fell to the ground, the room fell silent. I look up to see which one of those assholes even dared to punch me. And when I saw who it was, my blood began to boil. It was Zander.

"This year Luz, you aren't going to be so lucky," he said getting ready to throw another punch.

I glared at him and swung my bat hard towards his gut. As it hit I heard cracking and I smirked a devilish smirk. Every year this bitch tries to beat me in a fight. And every year he lost.

"You really want to try that again Zander? Or do I need to make you an example to everyone what will happen if you cross me?" I stood over him, ready to swing my bat again if he made a move.

He slowly stood up straight, but no matter if he was even on a stepping stool, him being 5'7" didn't compare to my 6'2". Being tall sure had it's benefits.

"Like I said, this year you're not going to be so lucky," as he said this his 'group' tries to lounge at me. Some even had knives. As the first guy comes at me I duck low enough to lift him up, and smash him down hard on one of the tables. The next guy yanked my head back making me stumble backwards. Before I knew it, I saw the glint of a knife flash in my direction, I was able to dodge it just enough to get a simple cut on the cheek. I see my bat a little ways away and grab it. I swing and hit the second guy hard in the head, making him knock out cold. After seeing this, the others started to back away.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!? Go after her!" I heard Zander yell. I pick up me beanie, turn around and punch him hard in the jaw.

"Come near me again Zander, and I'll make sure it's the last thing you ever do," I snarled at him. I turn around and walk away. I decided to head to my bed, I was officially done with this place.

I grabbed the few belongings I had, placed them in a backpack, and left. Walking towards the woods, where I knew no one would follow me. I turn back to take a final look at the hell hole I had lived in for 16 years. If only I had the ability to burn it down. I turn and start walking deeper into the woods. The only place I felt I could breath without worrying about possibly getting ambushed. As I kept walking thoughts kept running through my head. 'Who would I be if I had never been abandoned by my parents? Was there even anything for me outside of the orphanage? Could I make a life even after everything I've done?' As I arrived into a meadow, I sit down and watched the clouds in the horizon. My stomach then rumbled, with the fight with Zander, I never got to eat breakfast. So I decided to look around for some berries, or even an apple tree. I sat my backpack down and started my search. Eventually, I found some wild blackberries and picked a few. As I was walking back, I noticed there was what looked like to be an owl by my bag. 'Wait? Was he taking my bag?!' I dropped the berries and started running after it.

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