Ch 2, Trust?

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(Read with caution)

Scarlet's POV

As I helped King with his stuffed animal army, I look over to where the portal once was. Something about that human had seemed off. The atmosphere around her felt the way I had use to feel before Eda had adopted me.

"Everything all right Scarlet?" I turn to see King looking up at me worried.

"Don't worry buddy! Everything is wonderful! Now, which city shall we conquer next?" I asked, watching as an excited glimmer appeared in his eyes.

I continued to play with King for about another hour, but decided to call it a night.

"But the king of demons doesn't need sleep!" King whined.

"Even the King of demons needs his rest King." I replied with a little giggle. He let out a long yawn.

"OK, maybe the king of demons could use some sleep." He quickly climbed into my arms, and as I took him to bed, I started to sing his favorite lullaby that Eda had learned from the human realm.

"Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle twinkle little star. How I wonder what you are."

Finishing the lullaby, I tucked King in and was about to leave when he asked something.



"Do you think that human, Luz, is like you?" I looked at him with a sad look. The fact he knew this sort of thing always scared me.

"I'm not sure. But I'm sure she's home, and who knows, maybe she'll visit again." I give him a quick kiss on the cheek, before finally leaving him to go to sleep.

As I walked back downstairs, I noticed Eda was getting ready to go to the night Market. That's when a troublesome thought came to mind. 'What if she actually did use the stone to ask for help while Eda was gone?'

"Hey Eda?"

"Oh, hey kiddo. King fall asleep all right?"

"Ya, but I have a question to ask you." I looked at the ground while fumbling with my hands.

"What's wrong kiddo? You can tell me." You could clearly hear the worry in her voice.

I took a deep breath, and before I knew it, words were falling out of my mouth. "You know how I gave the human a summoning stone in case she needed help? Well what if she needs help and you're gone? I just don't want that to happen after giving it to her and then it seems like I completely abandoned her. So I was hoping maybe there was a chance you could leave the key for the portal here in case of emergancy." I stopped, taking a deep breath and looking up at Eda.

"Huh, I see your point, but what if the emperor coven comes? If they get their hands on this key, things could go really wrong." She looked at me with a concerned look and then sighed.

"How 'bout this. If I put it in a secure place only you and Hooty will know about, and if you ONLY use it for emergencies, then, yes. I'll leave the key here."

Immediately I gave Eda a big hug. "Thank you Eda!"

"Your welcome kiddo. But again, for emergencies only. Nothing else whatsoever." She gave me a stern but reassuring look. "HOOTY! I need you over here for a sec."


"I need you to hold onto the portal key. Don't let anyone have it except Scarlet." At that, she pulled out the key from her coat pocket and held it out in her hand as Hooty swallowed it.

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